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MCWA Art Show Creativity Community Series presents …

By An Marshal

“From France to Florida: Impressions of a 20th Century Artist, Marguerite Castaing” – Sunday, November 1, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.

This will be a Zoom interview (details below) and slide show with St. Augustine Art Association Administrator, Jenn Flynt. 

In 2016, the St. Augustine Art Association was gifted a collection of over 80 paintings, pastels, drawings and sketches by the children of Jacques and Marjorie Dardenne–long-time Marsh Creek residents and members of the St. Augustine Art Association. All of the work, Impressionist in style, was done by Jacques’ mother, Marguerite Castaing. 

Born in 1900 in southern France to a family of painters, Marguerite Castaing had a long career as an artist. At 16 she became a member of the French Salon where she exhibited for over two decades. While living in Paris, she studied under renowned artists Paul Albert Laurens and Pierre Bonnard, and she rubbed shoulders with influential writers, collectors, and critics like Pulitzer Prize winner Louis Bromfield. Marguerite’s work, Impressionistic in style, elicits passion and precision. The artist was inspired by the people and places that surrounded her, from family and friends to the rolling landscapes of southern France, and eventually the colorful seasons of New England.

On display for the first time, this exhibition of her work showcases over 80 drawings, paintings and pastels detailing her life as a passionate female artist throughout the 20th Century. 

This series is intended to inspire you to indulge in your creativity in preparation for our MCWA Annual Art Show scheduled April 14th-15, 2021. 

Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86597200759

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