Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community MC Kayakers paddle DeLeon Springs

MC Kayakers paddle DeLeon Springs

Editor’s Note: The Marsh Creek Kayakers are a great group and welcome new kayaking aficionados, patiently helping newbies like this writer who enjoyed his first outing recently. If interested, touch base with the gang leader, Peter Clayton at pac120691@aol.com.

Eight of us enjoyed a cool but bright day with hardly any wind. We started later (10:45 in the water) to let the temps rise and began with the more scenic right-side channel at the base of Rodman Dam which added an hour to the outing.

With the trees bare, the bird sightings were spectacular as shown in Theo’s photos. Trees full of ibis by the hundreds, many of which preceded us along the route, a dozen or so kingfishers, a mature and immature bald eagle, even a rosette spoonbill. 

Adding to the pleasure – not one power boat – only a couple kayaking upstream at the end of our paddle.

Lunch at Corky Bells topped off a near perfect outing – our longest same-day paddle ended about 6:00.

Photos by Theo Helms

1. First timer John Sullivan in the purple kayak. He’s a natural!

2. Mike Sprinkle in his new 13 foot Ocean Kayak Prowler.

3. Some very large gators on this paddle.

4. A Little Blue Heron observing a gator.

5. I saw three Otters on the paddle but could only manage one photo.

6. Great Blue Heron and Limpkin taking flight.

7. A series of photos showing Clyde running to get in the group picture and struggling with his mask!

8. A juvenile Bald Eagle with a fresh catch.

9. Best photo of the day. It’s all about safety for the Marsh Creek Kayakers. Caution must be used on slippery surfaces!!!

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