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home Marsh Creek Community MC HOA to Appoint New Director

MC HOA to Appoint New Director

The eight member Marsh Creek Board of Directors has amended its agenda to schedule appointment of a new board member at the 4pm monthly meeting today (Tuesday).

The gathering will be the Board’s final deliberations before the December 6th Annual General Meeting when three new board members selected by homeowners are to be announced.

Six candidates entered the race for the three open seats: one incumbent board member, one former Board president, and four committee members.

Heard on the streets of Marsh Creek are suggestions that the Board should await the results of the current election, and let the newly elected Board fill the 4th open seat, perhaps by selecting the 4th top vote-getter as chosen by homeowners in the election underway.

The Board’s appointment will attempt to replace Rick Cozby, who recently resigned unexpectedly and has not publicly shared why he chose to step down at this time.

Outreach Committee Chair Peter Clayton and Jane Muir

The Marsh Creek HOA is currently embroiled in a controversy over its treatment of a group of Villas homeowners, dubbed “The Spartina Eight”. One member of the group, Jane Muir, used the occasion of the November 14th “All Candidates Meet and Greet” in the Community Park to raise the issue publicly in a handout. She alleged the Board wrongly and “vindictively” targeted the group with legal action, incurring more than $19,000 in legal fees paid by HOA Reserve Funds, and contended the Board then pressured the homeowners to sign a non-disclosure agreement to conceal the details of the dispute involving incursions into the “Upland Buffer” section of Marsh behind their homes.

The Board meeting will be held in the Marsh Creek Country Club. Homeowners can join in person, or by Zoom using the link below.

Meeting of the Board of Directors
Marsh Creek Owners Association, Inc.
Zoom Link | https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82940715368

Date: November 30, 2021
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: La Mesita, MCCC

• Call to Order
• Establish quorum
• Approval of Minutes – October 26, 2021

• Committee Reports
o ARB – Bob Buzza
o Board Outreach – Brent Burkey
o Common Property – Mike Williams
o Communications – Lynn Pauquette
o Finance – Ken Gentile
o Patio/Villa Homes – Pat King
o Strategic Long Range Planning – Mike Williams
o Manager’s Report – Dottie Kriner

• New Business
o Consider Revisions to Board Outreach Charter
o Approval of Eliza Ander as ARB Chair
o Finance Approval
o Appointment of New Director (Replace Rick Cozby)
o Catie Marks

• Old Business
o Final approval for 333 FP

• Open Forum

• Adjourn

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