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home Marsh Creek Community MC Board Message on Gate Access

MC Board Message on Gate Access

From the Marsh Creek Board of Directors

Controlled Access Gate System Upgrades – What You Need To Do

The new camera and controlled access (gate) computer systems have been installed and will go live on August 24th. There is no change in how residents enter our community, and your bar codes all work as they have.

We are working diligently with Ramco, our security company, to provide as smooth a transition as possible. You will get an e-mail on August 23rd with specific instructions on how to log in to the new system, update your information, and access the system to clear guests and vendors. You will have 4 weeks to accomplish this and there is help available if you need it. After that time, your previous data will no longer be available to the gate attendants. That means any permanent guests or vendors that have not been re-entered by you in the new system will no longer be on the list for entry. That is why it is very important for you to sign in, update your information and enter your permanent guests and vendors. You will still be able to clear daily or weekly guests and vendors by telephone, as well as smart phone or computer.

The phone number for clearing guests and vendors will change on August 24th to (904) 468-6123. The first time you call, you may need your PIN# which will be provided in the August 23rd email. You will not need it after you enter it the first time.

If you need help with signing in or have questions about the system there will be a help session at the Marsh Creek clubhouse on Monday, August 28th at 4:00pm. If you plan to attend, PLEASE email MCgatesystem@gmail.com with your name and address so we can know how many folks we will have in attendance. Kandice Williams at MAY Management can also assist. If you require in home assistance with this task, please email MCgatesystem@gmail.com or text to 845-399-1531 with your request and someone from the Community Safety Committee will arrange to come and help.

Please note that these upgrades and new equipment are part of the package that Ramco Protective provides at no additional cost to the community with our contract for services. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in this major upgrade that improves Marsh Creek’s controlled access system and gate security.

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