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May ’22 Update

Hello Marsh Creekers!          

April was another busy month for Spoonbill Neighbors!  The weather was idyllic and the camaraderie among neighbors just keeps growing.  It’s quite astonishing when Marsh Creek neighbors discover – to their surprise – a neighbor has worked at the same company, went to the same university, rooted for the same sports teams, or grew up just a few towns apart.  It’s happening among Spoonbill Neighbors, who chat elbow-to-elbow and come up with surprises!

Here’s a short summary of Spoonbill Neighbors activities in April!

The month’s activities began on April 1st with the Dining In Group A meeting at the home of Frank and Donna Delzingaro. Chef Frank did not play an April fools prank.  He made his delicious homemade Tagliatelle with a bolognese sauce. Patty Daman and Rich Bittlingmayer served Patty’s homemade ricotta cheese with truffle honey on a toasted baguette which was amazing! Val and Bill Crooks completed the meal with Valerie’s homemade lemon meringue pie. The texture and taste was perfect and not a crumb left on the plate!

The Arts & Crafts Group was hosted at Teri Blaszkiewicz’s home on April 7th.  Participants “decoupaged” beautiful napkins onto oyster shells and created wine bottle charms, napkin rings and Christmas ornaments.  The Arts & Crafts group will take a summer vacation, and resume again in September.

The Book Club Groups A & B met this month on April 12 & 13th. Book Club leader Dianna Christakos led the discussion on The Paris Library.  The book is based on the World War II story of the heroic librarians at the American Library in Paris.  It is a story of romance, friendship, family, and the power of literature to bring us together.  Discussion about loyalty, betrayal and how the ravages of war can malign one’s judgement and moral compass. 

Wine Lovers was held on the 16th and hosted by Dianna Christakos.  Everyone brought a favorite wine, explained why they liked it and its origin.  Delicious hors d’oeuvres and delightful conversation made a very pleasant evening.

Happy Hour, also on the 16th, was hosted by Don and Karen Pierce.  It was a lovely evening in a beautiful setting, and Karen is now the official flower advisor for the group!  It was nice catching up with so many neighbors and meeting our newest members Mick and Linda Porter and Willy and Maria Elana Gomez.

Lunch Bunch: Twelve lunch bunch participants met at Hurricane Pattie’s on April 20th; it’s a waterside seafood shack and it did not disappoint!

Lastly, Melody Ness, representing Spoonbill Neighbors’ Community Outreach, spearheaded another successful neighborhood food drive, making Easter a brighter holiday for St. Augustine’s less fortunate. Marsh Creek residents donated ingredients for Easter dinners. These donations were collected and disbursed to the Homeless Coalition and other groups. Twenty-seven bags of groceries were taken to a home for young men who are recovering from addiction. Sixty-five bags were taken to the Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition on Chapin Street. The food delivery there coincided with an Easter Egg Hunt coordinated by Marsh Creek Women Association Outreach.

And now, the May Calendar of events!

Spoonbill Neighbors is open to all Marsh Creek residence and offers a variety of social activities for neighbor to meet neighbor. If you’re interested in being a part of this group, please contact Louise Nelson (lzn@mindspring.com) or Meri-Kathryn Peed (mkpeed@aolcom). 

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