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Marsh Creekers Helping the Homeless

Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition of St Johns County

By Melody Ness and Ann Reid

Tucked away in northwest St. Augustine are 23 cottages that are used to house families who have become homeless for one reason or another.  There are strict qualifications to be a recipient of one of these homes.  The families must have children and the parents must work and pay rent.  No alcohol or smoking inside the homes is allowed.  The homeless families stay about 18 months and then move to a more permanent home.  Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition (ESHC) of St. Johns County is a helping hand to homeless families desiring to be self-sufficient regarding more permanent housing. 

The adults receive training in cooking, housekeeping, budgeting, and childcare.  A liaison from the school system monitors the children’s attendance and performance.

Volunteers host birthday parties, holiday celebrations, baby showers and other social events.  Off campus activities such as movies, field trips and swimming classes are offered for children as funds permit.

Volunteers Needed

Their needs are many.  There is an ongoing need for volunteers to mentor and tutor both adults and children, host children’s parties, organize donations and supply warehouse.  The cottages are not new so outdoor and indoor maintenance is always needed.  The pictures (below) show the restored playground equipment.  Allen Ness, Clell Ray, Tim Nichols, Ron Birchall and John Ritz cleaned, repaired, and painted the playground equipment.

Before you Throw Away – Donate

We are all fortunate to live in Marsh Creek.  Many times, we see things in the Monday trash that would be welcomed by these deserving families.  (If you see a short brunette taking from your trash, it could Ann Reid or Melody Ness!) 

If you are getting rid of some gently used furnishings, please consider giving Melody or Ann a call and we will pick them up.  There is always a need for linens, kitchen items, appliances, bicycles, sports equipment, toiletries, cleaning supplies and storage containers.  And don’t forget the niceties like artwork or other decorative items. 

Melody 225 939-1225  Call or text

Ann      904 471-4747  Call or text

Note from Ann:  I’m not an official member of the committee but hanging with Melody has rubbed off and I’m always on the lookout for “finds” for these deserving people. 

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3 thoughts on “Marsh Creekers Helping the Homeless

  1. Great article Melody and Ann. Just to pile on, the Emergency Services Homeless Coalition (ESHC) will a be beneficiary of funds raised at the May 17th Fundraiser. Please come for fun and community spirit! Marsh Creekers should all be proud of our long–standing commitment and support of ESHC!

  2. This is a great initiative! For those of us who are not members of the Marsh Creek Country Club, donations can be made directly to the Homeless Coalition. Volenteer opportunities are availble as well.

  3. Melody and Ann,

    Thanks for you wonderful article highlighting one of the charities that has been a longstanding recipient of the generosity of Marsh Creekers through the Marsh Creek Women’s Association. You have highlighted the important role that the MCWA Giving Circle plays in not only giving all important cash contributions to buy things like the playground equipment, but also the “braun” to help ensure that it gets installed. We all can do our part when we collectively come together. Your article highlights the MCWA theme “Community of Strength”.

    We can choose to support our charities by way of monetary donation, volunteer service, attending fundraisers or donating tangible items. Coming together as a “Community of Strength” to help these families get back on their feet is very rewarding. Please consider attending the MCWA fundraising event on May 17th. More info to come!

    The Giving Circle recognizes how important individual commitment is to the outreach mission of our association.

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