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home Marsh Creek Community Marsh Creek Owners Association – Rules & Regulations Regarding the Use of the Community Park

Marsh Creek Owners Association – Rules & Regulations Regarding the Use of the Community Park

These new rules were published on the MCHOA website on April 30

1. Use of the Community Park is limited to Marsh Creek Owners Association owners and their
guests only. Any use of the Community Park is subject to posted Park Rules:
a. No Littering
b. No Alcohol
c. Dogs Must Be Leashed at all Times
d. Enter Park at Your Own Risk

2. An Event is defined as an organized activity that occurs in the Park during a particular interval
of time.

3. A Sponsor is defined as one or more persons that organize or otherwise take responsibility for
an Event. Sponsor must be present for duration of the Event.

4. In addition to the posted Park Rules listed above, the Sponsor of an Event is responsible to
ensure the following:
a. Scheduling the Event through the MCOA Property Manager so it is posted on the
Community Calendar on the MCOA website. Scheduling shall be on a first come, first
serve basis.
b. Completing cleanup of the Community Park and removal of trash immediately after the
c. Assuring children under 16 in attendance are supervised by an adult.
d. Supervising parking which is limited to the designated parking spots in the Park and
street parking on the south side of Wandering Lakes Blvd between the Park parking lot
and Fiddlers Point Drive only. Parking on Park grounds, grassy common areas or road
shoulders is prohibited. No owner or guest may park in a manner that will impede
access to the community and any of its roadways by vehicles operated by police, fire,
and any other emergency responders.
e. Reporting any accident or damage occurring during the Event to the Property Manager
within 24 hours.
f. For clarity, the Sponsor of an Event, its invited guests and/or outside vendors are
prohibited to sell or serve alcohol.

5. An Event that involves more than 50 people, lasts longer than 2 hours, or uses the services of
an outside vendor must apply via the Property Manager to the MCOA Board of Directors using
the Registration for Use of the Community Park for an Event (the “Application”). Events
involving more than 100 people will generally not be permitted. The Application must be filed
no sooner than 90 days in advance of the Event and no later than 2 weeks in advance of the
next MCOA Board of Directors Meeting. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case
basis. Each Application must be completed in its entirety and its requirements are considered
part of these Park rules and regulations.

6. Any violation of the rules requiring application for use of the Community Park is subject to a
fine of $100.00 per day for each day that any violation exists, up to $1,000.00 in the aggregate
for each violation.

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3 thoughts on “Marsh Creek Owners Association – Rules & Regulations Regarding the Use of the Community Park

  1. Don’t know what will happen to the concerts if folks are not allowed to bring an alcoholic beverage. That rule needs to be looked at closely by the residents who use the park for social gatherings and perhaps argued about with the HOA.

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