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home Marsh Creek Community, Seasonal Marsh Creek Nights of Lights 2023

Marsh Creek Nights of Lights 2023

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Friday, December 8th at sundown

It’s time again to kick off the Holiday Season with Marsh Creek’s annual neighborhood Luminaria Extravaganza, otherwise known as our Night of Lights.

This is the evening when we line our neighborhood streets with lighted candles to inaugurate the Holiday festivities by hosting street parties with food and drink stations and basking in the camaraderie that makes Marsh Creek such a great place in which to live.

For supplies … remember that craft stores (Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, etc …) may have sales on candles, sand and the small paper bags that serve as candle holders.

Another popular option is Pine Castle, a non-profit organization in Jacksonville that sells a complete luminary kit with paper bag, sand and a 10-hour candle.   The proceeds support adults with intellectual and developmental challenges. The link is http;//pinecastle.org/holiday-luminaria-kits/.

By the way, we found that the thicker bags with handles proved to be the best to withstand the Florida humidity.

And get some extra for Christmas eve and light the community up once more! 

If you need more information, email Louise Nelson:  lzn@mindspring.com

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