Spoonbill Courier

Life in a Pandemic

The first in a series…It is exceedingly strange to live the lives we are living today. Let’s hear YOUR stories.

By Brian Nelson

Groundhog Day.

There may be no better way to describe our lives than Bill Murray’s wacky film about a TV reporter’s annual grind covering a sleeping rodent.

Year, after year, after year.

Granted, most in Marsh Creek have little to complain about during this pandemic. At least those of us healthy. And those not required to show up at an office in the morning, wearing a mask and wondering who might be sick.

But oh, how we still miss the intimate distractions and enjoyments we once took for granted!

Friends, dinner parties, restaurants, theaters, bars. All of that, for the most part, is disrupted or gone.

And so, we live a Bill Murray kind of life.

Rise ‘n Shine!

Morning time. The start of our day.

What to do today?

Well, what did I do yesterday?

Then, I remember the “streetwalkers”.

Quickly, out of bed to join them.

Before the heat drives them back into their burrows, er, homes.

Maybe I’ll see friends.

What time did THEY get up and walk today?

Drats! Look at that empty street.

Not many friends out today. It’s Sunday.

Well, well … lookee here.


Deer will have to do this morning. I must not be choosy.

Hmmm … they sure are pretty….

But not great conversationalists.

OK. So, how about a drive?

Just get out there and see where the road takes you.

A nice drive down Scenic A1A would be nice.

Ooops… the car’s battery is dead.

And I can’t remember the last time I drove it.

Was it to Publix? Was it a week ago? Two?

Can’t recall.

Poor car needs a run.

So, I settle in to the familiar daily blur of breakfast, lunch, dinner, some TV, a book, newspapers, the evening news, a movie …

And whoa ….!

The day is over!

Can you believe it?

It’s time to floss and head to bed.

Wash, rinse, repeat”.

No worries.

We have tomorrow to look forward to, yes?

A new day brings new promise, right?

Ha! Maybe tomorrow WILL be different.

Yep. I’m confident it will.

Well, maybe.


Tomorrow … or someday soon…

We’ll break the cycle.


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6 thoughts on “Life in a Pandemic

  1. I may have posted this in the wrong field….but to repeat…I sent my poem SEASONS IN THE SWAMP this morning and it appeared to be posting and then said nothing received? Please advise…Beverly A. Kessler

  2. What an enjoyable website…keeps everyone involved for sure. Thanks to the brilliant and creative mind of this talented author! Keep ’em coming! Cocoa Beach reader!

  3. Great description of life in the time of Corona! Feeling a bit “ground-hoggy” myself! LOL!

  4. That is my life, including the dead car battery! I pray this will pass sooner rather than later. We are blessed to be living in a safe and peaceful community. Things could always be worse.

  5. Loved it! So true and so poetically written. As boring as things are right now, we are so fortunate to be in a beautiful community where we do get to get together with close friends. And oh, what those friendships mean!

  6. A great nothing – happened story Brian. I really enjoyed it and felt we had a chat today. That is the point of the Courier … to keep in touch. Consider yourself fortunate. We old folks in Allegro, 3 miles away, are on lockdown. We are treated very well, fed well, we Skype and Zoom a lot and socialize within it’s very pretty grounds.

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