Spoonbill Courier

Last Call

The new Ramco controlled access gate entry system has been installed and operating now for almost a month.  Many of our residents are now using the system through the GateAccess App on their smart phones, tablets or computers, while others are using the new call-in number, (904) 468-6123 after logging in and updating their info.   Some, however, have not yet signed in and are still using the old system.  We said we would run them side by side for a month, and that month is up.  We are turning the old system off on September 24th. 

Residents will no longer be able to call the old number to get guests and vendors through the gate.  It’s time for all residents to use the new system.  The staff at the gates are sometimes engaged with assisting  visitors and vendors into our community and will not be answering direct calls to the gate houses just to clear guests.  Residents need to log in to the new system to clear guests and vendors through the gates.

An email was sent to the address on file with May Management to all residents with their log in info.  If you cant find yours,  you can call May Management at  (904) 461-9708 ext. 205 and request that data again or you can email mcgatesystem@gmail.com with your name AND address and we will forward your login data.   

You will find this system is quicker and easier to use from a smartphone or tablet than having to call and go through all the prompts.  Change is always difficult, but also inevitable.  Please download the new app, log in and begin using our new system. 

Thank you,

Scott Herrington


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2 thoughts on “Last Call

  1. Thanks for your efforts, Scott.

    I think some of us are dragging our feet becaue we found through experience that these “new and improved” systems are not always that! 🙂

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