Spoonbill Courier

Jho Jho’s

This is a story of a new American who found The American Dream. And she got there, not just through the kindness of other Americans, but with a personality people just can’t help falling for.

Her name is Jhoanna, Jho for short. She’s from a small village in the Philippines. That’s where she met her husband, a visiting American missionary. When Kevin Tatay returned to the States with his new wife and children, they wound up in St. Augustine looking for work. One day, inside a store, Jhoanna spotted a fellow Filipina and went up and said “hello”. That simple greeting launched a new life for her and her family. She, her husband and eventually her boys began working for “Little Margie” Underwood, whose FA Cafe on A1A is a popular breakfast spot and on Tuesdays came to boast a Filipino Fish Night.

Years pass, and Jho moves on to jobs at other restaurants, eventually choosing work near her new home in Hastings and leaving behind a legion of diners who missed her. As it turned out, to hardly no one’s surprise, even a 30 minute drive was nothing too far for their “Jho fix”.

Her story peaked last week, when this Filipino server with the EverReady smile and sweet disposition swung open the doors to her own restaurant. From immigrant to server to restaurant owner. And it happened thanks to a generous boss who, so impressed with his employee, underwrote the entire venture. You’ll find it in Palatka on the drive over to Gainesville. It’s aptly named Jho Jho’s Diner.

Jho’s husband, Kevin Tatay, wrote a fine bouquet of appreciation on Facebook recently to the couple who got them started.

“We want to give thanks where thanks is due and honor those who have mentored us along the way. We want to thank and honor the two people who opened their arms to us when we moved to St Augustine and needed employment. Jay and Margie Underwood They owned Little Margies F A Cafe on the island in St Augustine. It would be our first time to work in the food industry. Jhoanna started on the 4th of July. What a busy day!!! She was a bit nervous to say the least and she shed a few tears as she was doing her best to learn the ins and outs of being a server.

She eventually got the hang of it and became who she is today as a top notch server and manager. Margie took her under her wing and made her the manager, and hired me later on to do dishes and eventually become a prep cook. Our boys would also work there doing dishes, serving and learning to cook. We all learned so much while there and benefited tremendously from their friendship and mentoring.

A few of our (Jho Jho’s) menu items are directly inspired by Margie and Jay. We chose to do this as our way of giving honor to them. We met with them after we made the decision to open a Diner and ask for their blessing and moral support. We are so grateful that they did. Without them we would not have been on this journey in the food industry which has led us to establishing and opening Jho Jho’s Diner.

Thank you Kuya Jay and Ate Margie Underwood

Jho Jho’s menu is creative American, with a Filipino touch at times, and the food is terrific and well priced. If you visit Palatka or are heading to Gainesville, stop in. Or simply go for the drive. You’ll like it.

And ask for Jho.

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2 thoughts on “Jho Jho’s

  1. What a great , happy and stimulating story! Good luck with your life journey!

  2. We are so happy to have a new restaurant that serves foods other than hamburgers or fried chicken. As much as I love both I also like the foods that Jho Jho serves since living in Hawaii for a number of years and learning about ethic foods of the Pacific reagions. I hope others learn to love the tastes she offers.

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