Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community Jellyfish Jewelry Girls

Jellyfish Jewelry Girls

A few months ago, the Spoonbill Courier carried a story about The Car Wash Girls, a team of young female entrepreneurs whose energy and determination seemed destined to shake up the local car wash business if given the time.

Now, on the Sunday before Christmas, a roving reporter stumbled upon a another set of budding female tycoons, The Jellyfish Jewelry Girls, a trio with the potential to send ripples of worry one day into another local market segment.

Belle Alford(12), Lani Rey Decker (14) and Lola Scardelli (10), started this jewelry business just three months ago, according to Lola’s mom, Meredith Scardelli.

Leo, Lucca, Belle, Lani, Lola

That means ninety days ago, they had settled on a business model, zipped out of the concept stage to the production cycle, and in no time at all hurtled onto the Lakeway salesroom … well, driveway … in time for Christmas.

Ensconced behind a table with support from Lola’s brothers Leo and Lucca, the girls were waving at passing cars and selling an impressive array of handmade earrings, key-chains, friendship bracelets, necklaces and rings.

They made everything themselves, clearly mastering the manufacturing process. Still unclear is whether the Marsh Creek venue on Lakeway suitably targeted the likeliest customer demographic. Pitching teen jewelry in a seniors community is a herculean lift. Granted, there are growing numbers of children moving into Marsh Creek, and many Creekers do have teenage grandkids. So, on this day, their plan must have worked, because mom Scardelli reported “they ended up doing very well!”

Still, if you’re hip, like these ladies, you can turn to Instagram to find Jellyfish Jewelry, and don’t worry, they even take PayPal too.

Or, you can shop the old fashioned way: either keep an eye out for them again this week on Lakeway, or take a swing into neighboring Anastasia Dunes, where there are teens aplenty and there you’ll find three young businesswomen at work by the lake, eager to make a sale.

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