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home Marsh Creek Community Irene’s Injury Update

Irene’s Injury Update

Editor’s Note: Two days before Christmas, a GMC pickup truck hit and severely injured Irene Merenda while she was crossing the busy Publix Shopping Center parking lot in the Anastasia Plaza. The accident broke her leg in two places. Full story here. Marsh Creek community’s response was “overwhelming”, she says.

By Irene Miranda

When Frank and I decided to purchase a home in Marsh Creek, we did so for many reasons including the views, the styles of homes and the connections and friendships we had made through the club’s golf and tennis programs.  What we didn’t realize at the time was the fabulous community of neighbors watching out for, and caring for, neighbors.

I recently had an accident that caused me to be hospitalized for surgery and will require rehabilitation for a while before I can resume many of the activities that I love. I am making good progress, but I suppose no one in PT ever feels it’s fast enough! The outpouring of care and support from this community has been unbelievable.  The number of meals, flowers, care packages, prayers, positive thoughts and cards (some from people I’ve never met!) has been nothing short of overwhelming!

All of this has made us realize that Marsh Creek is not only a “nice place to live” but is a unique and very special place filled with people who love, care for, and support one another.  If I have missed anyone when sending thank you notes, please know that everything you’ve done has been so appreciated by Frank and me!  Thank you, our dear neighbors!

My pain has been managed mostly with Tylenol since leaving the hospital….I am afraid of the hard stuff, although I have a prescription for oxy if I need it.

They had me up supported walking the day after surgery.  Because of the rods  and pins holding my tibia together, they encourage weight bearing.  The other bone (fibula) will heal on its own in time, apparently, but it is not used for support.   I graduated recently from a walker to a cane, so I feel like I’m making pretty good progress. 

The most difficult part, honestly, was the concussion.  Those symptoms were debilitating….more so than the leg!  But that, also, has gotten much better, and I’m so grateful for so many things…..The surgeon was very proud of his work and feels that I should eventually have full use of my leg. No tennis or golf for 6 months is what they tell me, but I’m hoping to prove them wrong!  😉  The PTs at Stars have been awesome. 

This is temporary, and I know so many people have much more to deal with on a daily basis.  So, all in all, I know it could have been so much worse and has given me greater empathy for those for whom injuries like this are not temporary.

My tennis ladies, our golf friends and neighbors have supplied meals almost every day.  It has been so amazing and wonderful.

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