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home Marsh Creek Community Irene Merenda Injured in Publix Parking Lot

Irene Merenda Injured in Publix Parking Lot

A GMC pickup truck hit and injured Irene Merenda, Thursday while the Marsh Creek resident was crossing the busy Publix Shopping Center parking lot in the Anastasia Plaza.

After initial triage at Flagler Hospital Trauma Center, Merenda was rushed by ambulance to the University of Florida Hospital in Jacksonville, where she underwent surgery Christmas Eve to repair “clean breaks” in the two bones of her left leg.

According to her husband, recent Marsh Creek Board candidate, Frank Merenda, his wife was crossing the parking lot to pick up a birthday cake in Publix when she was hit by the multi-ton truck.

Merenda reports the driver claimed that he was making a turn and looked in only one direction, and failed to spot the pedestrian until he felt the impact. On the scene was another Marsh Creek resident, Harry Metz, who called Merenda to alert him to his wife’s accident.

Irene Merenda is the Spoonbill Courier food critic, known for sharp, witty and fair reviews of local restaurants. She and her husband are known to be frequent restaurant diners.

Irene Merenda returned home to Marsh Creek Christmas afternoon, and is reported to be doing “much better”, with rods in both bones of her left leg, but no cast or boot. Surgery is said to have “gone well”.

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3 thoughts on “Irene Merenda Injured in Publix Parking Lot

  1. Irene, so sorry to hear about your accident and relieved to know you’re home recovering. I know SLOW is not your speed, but please be careful, rest and listen to the doctors. With your positive attitude, lots of PT and wine, you’ll be back to normal soon.
    We wish you a speedy recovery!

  2. Oh, THANK YOU!!!, Brian, for the notice about Irene Merenda (she is an active member of our choir at St. Anastasia Catholic Church, we are seated next to each other, no wonder I missed her at Friday’s Christmas Eve Mass and today! I will make sure to let others in our choir know, as she is so well liked and a wonderful singer!

  3. Oh Irene, I’m so relieved your injuries were addressed so quickly and you are home safe and sound. 🥰
    I’m also glad Harry Metz was there to call your husband! Another reason to know your neighbors. 👍
    At the island Publix, there are many cars, tight spaces to navigate, and traffic, especially on Saturday when all the new vacationers come in as new rentals start. We have shopped at Publix since 1971, but after living on Anestasia Island for a year, we learned to do most of our grocery shopping at Winn Dixie and get our organics from the Farmers Market.
    I’m so grateful you are recovering Irene!

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