Spoonbill Courier

Inviting All

By Louise Nelson and Meri-Kathryn Peed

Spoonbill Neighbors invite you to come join the fun: Despite the continued pandemic the newly formed Spoonbill Neighbors is alive and well. Although “in person meetings” for some groups are “on hold” some of the interest groups are in full swing. (Welcome Committee, Dining Out, Lunch Bunch and Happy Hour). 

Just a reminder, we are a neighborhood social group, open to all residents of Marsh Creek with the sole purpose of getting to know each other better. The interest groups include:  Arts & Crafts, Book Club, Coffee Club, Dining In, Dining Out, Games, Girl’s Trips, Happy Hour, Lunch Bunch, Movie Goers, Outreach, Walking and Welcome Committee.

If you would like to learn more about these groups and/or want to be on our Email list and join one or more of these groups, please send your name, phone number, Email address, physical  address and your interests to Louise Nelson, (lzn@mindspring.com) and Meri-Kathryn Peed (MKPeed@aol.com)

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