Spoonbill Courier



By Marty Round

Marty Round

You know how sometimes you just plod along, fairly complacent with the situation at hand?  Not willing to effect any changes that might be risky?  I guess that described me for a short while, but complacency can be our enemy. 

Once I began driving myself to physical therapy and made that one, perhaps two, trips into UPS, I rode that high for a while, otherwise relying on friends to get me other places, to fold up my walker, get it into the car, etc. You know the drill.

Finally, I got sick of being that dependent!  So, that weekend I practiced getting the four-wheeled walker, I call it a rollator, into the bank of my Tucson.  Suddenly, I could get myself to Beall’s Outlet for pants that fit, to the duplicate bridge center, even to the Club to meet my old tennis team for lunch.  Incentives! And I began to feel much more like ME!  One day, with no walker in the car, I drove to Publix, parked in a handicapped spot, and, using only my cane, walked to where the motorized carts are kept.  Then I did my shopping, and, after paying, I motored to the car, unloaded the bags, drove back to where the carts are kept, and walked back to the car.  No more reliance on friends there!

     A really big incentive, one that pushed me even further, was having bought (in June) a ticket to join friends at the Times Union Performing Arts Center to see Hamilton.  Back then I assumed I would be completely ambulatory by mid-October.  I am not!  So last week I called the Box Office to ask if our seats were handicapped accessible.  They are not!  There are 4 or five steps leading down to our seats, not walker friendly.  What to do?  I had two weeks to get more secure using only my cane!  Or to give my ticket away!  Not an option for me!  So last Friday I drove to the Bridge Club with only my cane in tow.  As a safety precaution, the walker was in the car.  It stayed in the car!  I was able to get from the far end of the building to the ladies’ room, a big concern for me, three times…not gracefully, mind you, but safely!  I go there once when I arrive, once during a break in play, and before I leave.  You know the old adage?  Better safe than sorry.

     And at home?  I no longer use my walker to get the mail; I hobble down the driveway, wearing my Medical Alert.  I use my cane to get from the kitchen ( where I usually am and am currently sitting) to my handicapped bathroom.  What good motivators incentives are!  They push us to go beyond our comfort zones.  A ticket to see Hamilton was just the shove I needed!

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5 thoughts on “Incentives

  1. Glad those tickets we bought gave you the incentive to be more independent. Looking forward to our journey to see Hamilton.

  2. I certainly appreciate all your remarkable progress Marty! It’s empowering to get some of those “powers” back! 👏👏👏❤️
    Baby steps and line upon line… We figure out creative ways to compensate and somehow participate in life more fully. (It takes a bit of humility too. ☺️)
    I’m immensely proud of ALL your intensional focus and the decisions you ‘be made. Thank you for sharing your progress with us. You never know who might need your example. 😉🥰

    Marian Rodgers

  3. You are an inspiration Marty! “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is an old adage. Thanks for sharing and stay healthy!

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