Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community UPDATE: Board Now to ZOOM Today’s 6pm Homeowners General Meeting

UPDATE: Board Now to ZOOM Today’s 6pm Homeowners General Meeting

1:05pm UPDATE: From May Management

Marsh Creek Owners,

We deeply apologize for our oversight for the Annual General Meeting not being advertised as also a Zoom meeting. Please see below the Zoom meeting information for your review. We hope that you will join us on Monday, December 6th, 2021 at 6 p.m.


Meeting ID: 839 5860 7151

12:31pm UPDATE: 10 minutes after declaring the General Meeting would not be broadcast, the MC HOA Board, reversed itself with this May Mgmt notice to Spoonbill:

“My correction , the meeting will be Zoomed after further discussion, we will be sending out the Zoom Link shortly to all.”

9:57am UPDATE: Per May Management, the MC HOA Board leadership has decreed there will be NO Zoom link for today’s General Homeowners Meeting. The 2020 Annual General Meeting was held by Zoom and in person but the Board has chosen not to offer both options this year.

Homeowners will need consider attending in person for the results of the election of three new Board members and the new President … and to address any issue or questions with members of the current leadership.

General Homeowners Meeting

6pm, Marsh Creek Club House

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