Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community Hello Marsh Creekers!

Hello Marsh Creekers!

Welcome to the Spoonbill Courier!

We are a new voice in the Marsh Creek Community of St. Augustine, Fl.

We hope you will find the Spoonbill Courier useful in serving as a live, always-accessible community newspaper for Marsh Creek.

Marsh Creek once had the Marsh Creek Journal, a monthly newspaper started by Mohammed Mirzai. It was discontinued a few years ago, in part a victim of the cost pressures today plaguing the printed newspaper and magazine business.

For the Spoonbill Courier to work, it will need your support and your contributions, as well as your comments on improvement. We will also need your patience as we build this site out.

Please share this link with your neighbors and join in asking them to “subscribe” to the site. Every subscriber will be notified by email when something new has been posted, so you will never miss out.

As you know, we are living a terrible pandemic, one keeping us from family, friends and neighbors in ways we’re accustomed. Driveway parties have replaced dinner parties as the preferred social activity for many. Yet tennis and golf continue this summer, and of course, the risk of Covid-19 is always present. How much so is a matter of debate.

Today, August 10, there were 4,155 reported new cases of Covid-19 in Florida, 25 of them in St. Johns County. Those numbers represent a significant drop from past weeks, but leave a record 568,493 cases across Florida and 258 in our 32080 zip code since March. At this writing, reports are circulating of Covid-19 infecting at least one Marsh Creek tennis team member. One board member of the Marsh Creek Homeowner’s Association has also tested positive. So the disease is “in the hood”, and we all need to be mindful and take extra care to social distance and wear a mask when appropriate.

Send us any news you have about the virus. We have no intention of publishing names or any identifying criteria. The aim is to inform and raise general awareness in our community that we each have a responsibility to control covid-19. This means, unfortunately, keeping our distance from friends and neighbors, and wearing a mask when necessary.

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6 thoughts on “Hello Marsh Creekers!

    1. Thanks, Pattie. Did you subscribe? (I’m still getting the hang of this machinery. 🙂

  1. Hi Brian
    This a great news and congratulations!! YOU are the perfect person for the job. As one of the town criers because of dog walking, I will spread the verbal word and in return ask that you, in the next addition, please include information on the neighborhood Facebook page of Marsh Creek Neighbors. Please let people know that it is moderated and no one is allowed that is not approved. I hope that you have posted this link on that page as well. It is a great way to get information out to the community on quick notice…but not just news , also that neighbors can share information that is not news worthy.
    So once again, congratulations and well done.

    1. Thanks Sharon. I hope this means you consider it useful.
      I have a link for the Marsh Creek FB gang under the “Important Links” header. Wasn’t going to forget about you. 🙂

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