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Happy 92nd Birthday Luba!!

Luba Estes, (shall we say it?) the “better half” of the Ron-and-Luba Estes Marsh Creek Mighty Duo, celebrated her 92nd birthday Saturday.

The diminutive Russian Cossack has led a storied life, from a childhood marked by suffering and tragedies in Japanese-occupied Hong Kong, growing up to become an accomplished ballerina and actress, and flourishing in later life in international diplomacy. But, according to her family, she was also a horrible singer, proving life doesn’t always award you everything.

Asked to share her secret to remarkable longevity, Luba took a long pause, and responded, “I think my greatest strength is my ability to forgive”.

Luba’s surprise birthday party was staged by her stepdaughter Valerie. It was attended by local friends and family members who zoomed-in from across the country.

Luba and Ron call the Allegro home these day, but still retain membership to the Marsh Creek Country Club and show up for lunches and dinners.

Currently, both are undergoing short visits to Encompass Rehabilitation facility on SR 207 and looking forward to returning to the Allegro and to their friends.

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5 thoughts on “Happy 92nd Birthday Luba!!

  1. Good job Brian, well done. thanks.
    They are both very special people.
    Happy Birthday Luba

  2. Ron – Great story – Please convey my birthday wishes to your lovely wife. Joe Harding

  3. Love this! Thank you Brian! I am in NYC visiting my son after he finishes his first year of grad school at NYU. I also attended a reunion of Beiruti elementary school friends. We celebrate Luba and Ron in the Big Apple!

  4. Happy Birthday Luba! Hope to see you soon. Beverly Kessler

  5. Will take to heart her comment on her “ greatest strength.” Thank you to Luba for her words of wisdom.

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