Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community Halloween Car Cruise?

Halloween Car Cruise?

Neighbors! On Halloween, meet us at the park at 6pm with your decorated golf carts, cars, bicycles. We will then cruise the neighborhood, handing out candy to kids and treats to dogs!


Wait in your driveway, front yard or street with your kids and dogs (in costume) and we’ll come to you!

Tell your neighbors! It’s going to be a fun evening!

Questions? Call or text Lorri Maloney 410-708-8366

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3 thoughts on “Halloween Car Cruise?

  1. What a WONDERFUL idea, what fun, what an amazing act of kindness for the children AND the dogs! THANK YOU!

  2. Great idea – just the kind of activity that builds + enhances “community” – thanks for organizing.

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