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Grab Bag of Events

St. Augustine Historical Society Logo
HistoryFest 2022 starts TODAY!

We hope you’re as excited as we are for this year’s HistoryFest!   In case you weren’t ‘in the know’, The St. Augustine History Festival was created and conceived by UFHSA (University of Florida Historic St. Augustine, Inc.) and the Lastinger Family Foundation for the purpose of generating excitement about the history of America’s oldest city, with the goal is to showcase every era of St. Augustine’s long and storied past through 21 Special Events and Historic Venues – from our founding in 1565 to the most advanced technology available in 2022 to research and study every year in-between.   The St. Augustine Historical Society is proud to participate in the event this year, and has chosen to offer multiple events across the many days of the event, and at each of our properties!

Our Events Thursday, May 12th – Dr. Christine Miller, UF School of Medicine: Colonial Medical Practices  Talk begins at 4:00 PM in the Map Gallery of the Dunham Building at the Oldest House Museum Complex.
Friday, May 13th – Charles Tingley: Preserving the Llambias House  Talk begins at 2:30 PM at the Llambias House, 31 St. Francis Street. “Historic Preservation of the Llambias House” exhibit from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Book Sale at the Research Library, 6 Artillery Lane, featuring multiple years editions of El Escribano Saturday, May 14th – Live Music at the Llambias House by “Statz” from 12:00 PM – 4:30 PM “Historic Preservation of the Llambias House” exhibit from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

But that’s not all!

Friday and Saturday, we will be hosting Drake’s Raid on the Oldest House Museum Complex grounds, available during our normal hours of 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. You won’t want to miss the Battle Re-enactment at 7:00 PM through downtown! For questions on admissions, please email Hannah@sahs1883.com. Lastly, everything above is viewed quickly down below. We hope to see you at some of these fantastic events!

If you would like more information about the HistoryFest, their website can be found here: St. Augustine History Festival – May 11-15th, 2022 (staugustinehistoryfestival.com)

Women’s Exchange Brunch

May 22 – Pena-Peck House

More Info and Tickets

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