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Fish Island Car Wash Back Before City

Below is an important update, written by Maureen Long of Save Fish Island, to our efforts of several years to preserve Fish Island’s beauty and benefit to our community and region. The first paragraph states the rationale for City of St. Augustine officials to be responsive to the tax paying residents of not only St. Augustine, but of the entire region, on this critical environmental and quality of life issue. 

We are reaching out today with an update on the proposed Gate car wash at the entrance of Fish Island. As you know, it took a village committed to save and preserve Fish Island, a village made up of so many citizens throughout our city, county and state. Caring citizens whose letters flooded the state in support of Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Cabinet to purchase Fish Island for future generations to explore and enjoy. This is the reason we believe the city should listen to the concerns from tax paying citizens from throughout our region about the environmental and recreational offerings of the lands that are under the jurisdiction of the city. Fish Island Preserve may be a property within the city limits of St. Augustine, but it was bought with state monies that were derived from all our Florida citizens.

The bad news: Gate has resubmitted their application to build a car wash next to the entrance at Fish Island Preserve. 

The good news: The new plan has been revised so that no portion of the car wash will be built ON Fish Island Preserve as they had originally planned. That is to say, Gate has opted not to use the drainage easement that would have resulted in the destruction of hundreds of trees on Fish Island preserve, and are now proposing to drain their storm water runoff to an existing storm water pond across the street. 

Obviously, this is a bittersweet victory. We are glad that the new project leaves the trees on Fish Island Preserve intact, but we still assert that a carwash is inherently incompatible with a nature preserve. Because the new plan avoids all of the Significant Trees on Fish Island Preserve, Gate is no longer required to apply for a hearing before the City’s Planning and Zoning Board. This means that there will be no opportunity for citizens to make public comment on this project. 

Because of this, we are asking you, as members of the community that fought so hard to save Fish Island to send a message to our City Commissioners telling them how you feel about the proposed Gate car wash next to Fish Island Preserve. Gate has made every effort to avoid a public hearing, so we need to make sure that the City hears loud and clear how residents feel about this project. 

The City has until this Friday to reply to Gate’s application. Please send your emails ASAP  to: 



rfranklin@citystaug.com,  dbirchim@citystaug.com

Thank you for your continued support

Friends of Fish Island

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