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home Marsh Creek Community Farewell to Harry

Farewell to Harry

By Peggy Gachet

How many days have you walked to your mailbox and found YOUR mail, not your neighbors, but your mail?  On that rare occasion that you walked next door with mail in hand, Harry Masters, was probably not the carrier who made the mistake.  Harry has been delivering Marsh Creek mail for more years than I can remember.  He knows the streets of Marsh Creek better than most residents! He has cared for residents, has killed venomous snakes near mailboxes, inquired about neighbors when their box got “too full” or when a change of address inadvertently left names off the form and mail was being held at the post office awaiting direction from the previous occupant.

After his recent accident (rear ended on SR312 while driving his mail truck), we had a substitute.  You may remember his absence resulted in days long delays in mail pick up and delivery.  When I called the postmaster of our local office, I was told that it takes two substitutes to accomplish the route.  May I add, that is the very route Harry has done for years. 

As they say, every thing comes to an end and I’m saddened to say that Harry has retired.  In typical Harry fashion it was done quietly with few knowing.  BUT, we’ll not let him go so quietly! 

Carlyn Moyer and yours truly have invited Harry and his wife to dinner, poolside at the club on October 21, 2021.  The club has offered to accept any cards on his behalf so they can be presented along with their gift.  If more convenient to drop off with Carlyn at 132 Lauren Place or my home at 304 View Point Place, feel free to do so and we’ll get it to him that evening.   If you’d like to drop by and say farewell personally and thank him for his service to our community or just buy him a drink, please do.  We’ll be there at 5:30pm enjoying what we hope will be a pleasant fall evening of outside dining.

Best of Luck, Harry!

Peggy Gachet

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One thought on “Farewell to Harry

  1. You are so kind and thoughtful to do this for Harry. We’ve only been here about a year, but he was so friendly and professional. Thank you again for this information and acknowledging his service. Lindsey Smith, 862 Summer Bay

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