Spoonbill Courier
home Charity, Marsh Creek Community Easter Share Drive

Easter Share Drive

By Louise Nelson

Spoonbill Neighbors “Spring Share the Feast” is in full swing for Easter!  The Red Bags have arrived and are available for pick up now in the wood box at Louise Nelson’s home at 209 Fiddlers Point Drive.  Shopping lists and number of family members are provided in each bag.  If we run out of bags and you wish to make a contribution, please feel free to use any bag.

The list of food items needed are as follow:

Canned Ham, Mayonnaise, 2 boxes – Macaroni & Cheese, 3 Cans – vegetables, 3 Cans – fruit, Instant Potatoes, Cake Mix with Frosting, Muffin or Biscuit Mix, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Cereal, Juice and Easter Candy. 

Household products like Mr. Clean, detergent, soaps, toiletries are always welcome as well.

As we all know, the cost of food has risen over the last year.  Please keep a look out for BOGO items in the grocery stores.  Please drop all bags back to Louise’s house by April 1st

Thank you for making Easter a brighter holiday for the less fortunate in our larger community.

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One thought on “Easter Share Drive

  1. Thank you for taking on this project again. Your spirit of love and generosity is a blessing to all.

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