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home Around Town & County Early Word on Covid Vaccinations in SJC

Early Word on Covid Vaccinations in SJC

As the lead agency for vaccination distribution, the Florida Department of Health in St. Johns County has received a limited initial allocation of COVID-19 vaccines. Per State of Florida Executive Order 20-315, the first phase of COVID-19 vaccines is designated for the following populations:

• Healthcare personnel with direct patient contact
• Long-term care facility residents and staff
Persons 65 years of age and older

In addition, St. Johns County Fire Rescue is actively vaccinating frontline personnel, including emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and firefighters.

The Federal Government and State Government are also
directly administering vaccine distribution to long-term care facility residents and staff through local private healthcare providers and pharmacies.

As information regarding COVID-19 vaccine distribution in St. Johns County is continually evolving, please call the State of Florida 24/7 COVID-19 call center at 866.779.6121, visit www.floridahealthcovid19.gov, or email covid-19@floridahealth.gov.

St. Johns County residents may also visit www.sjcfl.us/coronavirus for local COVID-19 updates.

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