Hi again!! I can’t stop wagging my tail! I’m trying to be humble about my new celebrity status, but it’s hard to be humble when you’re a Poodle (especially a Standard)!
You know, we’re known to be elegant, smart, loyal, and much more (hey, I’ve done my research!!). My good friend. Victoria Zavasnik, even wrote to ask, “Is there a Nobel prize awarded to Dog Columnists?” (VZ, I miss you and hope you’ll be coming back to Marsh Creek soon!)

And another friend (whom I can’t wait to meet in doggie-person), Max (Irene & Frank Merenda), wrote to say that he’s “pleased that ‘Dear Daphne’ is an inclusive column where all forms of animal life (even cats) are respected and are their opinions are welcome.”
I had so much fun at the recent Concert in the Park! I saw some friends, and made some new ones, dog and human.
Fellow four-leggers: tell your folks to take you to the next one—Tuesday, November 17, to hear the Zig Zag Duo! We can walk around and share some wags and sniffs…..and maybe even some treats! Will someone please remind my mom to bring water! Thanks, Tango, you’re a gentleman to share yours.
On to your letters and (I hope) some sage advice:
“Dear Daphne, What is the prevailing golfer’s etiquette when greeted by a spectator dog ensconced on her own back porch? Asking for a friend. Love, Dazzle and Domino”

Dazzle and Domino, You two are so cute! I can’t wait to meet you both – tell your folks (Jane and Howie Weizmann) that it’s high time!!
You ask a tough question. I’m told that my predecessor, Quincy (a Standard Poodle, of course) used to live with my folks on the same 18th fairway. He was much appreciative of the occasional treat from golfers who ventured close, which seemed to encourage his decorum. Repeated hooks to the porch, however, should be avoided at all costs!
“Dear Daphne, Our moms are friends, but I’ve never had the pleasure. Here is a pic of me watching Gator football. And yes, when they scored, I sneaked popcorn! My parents are super silly about a game with animals and weird stuff like “red tides” and their team mascots. I don’t get it…but if there’s popcorn involved, I stay close. Hope to meet you soon! Willie Hodge”

Well, Willie, I certainly hope the Gators can score more points, so you can get more popcorn (and they can be happy with the game results)! And I hope to see your folks (Sherry and Bubba) soon!
“Dear Daphne, This is Carma Martin LaFleur, the black lab. I am a rescue, too, but I cannot beat Dudley’s post as I still have 4 paws! I, too, was chained to a tree (what is up with people?) and arrived with hookworms, whip-worms, and heartworms. I shed every day, so my dog parents, Nina and John, have to wear black clothes every day. So far, it is working well, except for the white floors!!”

Carma, I share your joy at having found the perfect home! Your folks are awesome! I haven’t forgotten your request for a walk and a sniff in the park. Soon, for sure! And I see you’re ready for Halloween!
Speaking of Halloween, check out this cool picture of Ollie and Sammy Lorenc! I love it…..after all, they’re poodles!! They are so ready for the big day! Thanks, Carol and Richard, for sharing!

And, now, some sad news. Two very special dogs recently passed over the Rainbow Bridge. My good friend, Chanel Peed (Meri-Kathryn & John), left us on October 17; she would have been 15-1/2 on November 4. Just look at her…..can you believe it! So elegant (a Standard Poodle, of course)! And how she loved her brother, Marcus, who’s now trying to hold the folks together. I’ll always remember how Chanel and I played; even in her dotage, she ran and ran. Chanel and Marcus were not related (except in poodle-dom). They were adopted as seniors.

The second passing is actually my cousin, Buddy, whom I unfortunately didn’t get to meet. As told to me by his mom, Jo (whose “significant other” is my twin brother, Lee): ‘Sad news from your family up north. Our sweet Buddy (about 10 years old) passed away last week. I know he would have loved to have met you so he could have told you ‘in dog’ how much he enjoyed your columns. He was happiest sleeping in his bed, eating whatever he could find wherever he could find it, and having his ears rubbed. He had a wonderful howl. His last (and only) year with us was like a dream come true—in a warm home with lots of love. He didn’t know a single command, but was a very, very good, friendly, gentle dog. He was picked up on the streets somewhere in the South and was filled with worms of all kinds.” Here’s Buddy with Jo’s grandson, Nolan.

Those of you who’ve written and are awaiting inclusion in my column, please be patient; I kinda got backed up. But I’m going to run out of material soon. So, everyone, please write! I especially want to hear from my four-legged compatriots on the A1A-gate side of the Jerry Scheid/Thunder Bridge. Pose a question, share an adventure, introduce yourself to the community…..so many possibilities!
‘Til next time, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often. See you soon! Oh, and remind your folks to vote!

This column made me smile, chuckle and even get a little teary hearing about the rainbow bridge crossers. Thank you, Daphne, for keeping it going!
As always Daphne, delightful column! I wish Peanut was still here so she could contribute.
Happy Halloween!
Enjoyed this column so much, Daphne, and I am so sorry about the loss of your friend and your “cousin”. Your friend, Marty who has a thing for Springer Spaniels