By Rickie Rubenstein
Hi everyone! WOW! Big tail wags to you all for your wonderful comments and letters!!! I have so much to share, but not enough space to include everyone, so please understand if I don’t get to you right away. More to come…promise!
Big news! I’m so excited! “Miss Barbara” from Lookout Point Dr. is back! Miss Barbara, we’ve missed you, and are so glad you’re feeling better! Tango Vita sent me a picture and note: “I thought you and your furry friends would like to know that Miss Barbara is out walking again to give us pats and treats. I’m so happy to see her! Here’s a picture of her giving treats to my little furry friend, Faye Fontana, and me. I hope y’all get to see her soon.” If you haven’t met Miss Barbara, you’re in for a treat—literally! She keeps goodies in her walker and loves to stop and chat.

The Spoonbill is abuzz about snakes! Here’s a cautionary tale from my good Beagle buddy, Dazy Shambach of Lookout Point Dr.:

“I wanted to share a scary thing that happened to me the other day. I was in my yard sniffing around and looking for bunnies when I came upon a long slender object that kinda hissed at me. I was very curious so I started barking to warn everyone. My parents rushed over to see what was going on and started yelling at me to get back….I was very close because I thought I needed to sniff him. They pulled me back and put me inside. I later found out it was an eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Yikes!!! My parents saw another larger one in our neighbor’s yard. Just wanted all of my four-legged friends to know there seems to be a lot of bad snakes out with all of the water we have had. Be careful!”

Dazy, thank you for sharing your scary experience! I’m so glad no one was hurt—guess your dad got to revive his football prowess when he had to tackle you! Please stay safe! We love seeing you on our walks! (Would you please show my mom how you get your eyeliner on so perfectly?)
New pooch in Marsh Creek! Welcome, Archie, from Marsh Point Dr. North!

“My name’s Archie and I just moved here. My family, Scott, Helen, Blaire, and Maia Borisoff, brought me home from a rescue group in Key Largo, and I’m doing great. My background info is pretty limited…I’m a Bernese Mountain Dog, about 3 years old. I do pretty well meeting humans, but I’m definitely not sure about meeting other doggies yet. You’ll see us walking around the neighborhood, and I’m looking forward to meeting new friends!!”
Isn’t Archie just gorgeous! I just know we’ll soon be fast friends!

Guess what…..I got a letter from a CAT! Chaos King on Teeside Ct. I know I’m supposed to represent all the four-legged members of our community, and, and ……okay, okay……I’m cool with it.
“I am a house cat and I don’t get out much, but I have a nice perch looking out on the golf course! I like to talk to the golfers that go by even tho they can’t hear me thru the window!! Sometimes I like to sit out on the patio and chase the lizards – once I even caught one!! I brought it in as a gift for mom (I did keep its tail as a souvenir)! That was a pretty exciting few days until she caught it and put it back outside. Humans will never fully understand us felines!! Here’s to all my fellow Marsh Creek cats! Love Chaos”.
Well, Chaos, we’ll probably never meet, but I wish you well. My mom says you’re quite nice, so I’ll take her word for it. “Meow”.
’Til next time, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often! I look forward to seeing you in our beautiful outdoors!

Dear Daphne,
Congratulations on your new job at the Courier! You are a great writer and can see why they chose you! We love seeing you out walking.
Your forever friends,
Faye, Hope and Angie