By Rickie Rubenstein (Daphne’s Mom)
Woof…..woof…..wag….wag….droopy wag
Long time, I know. It’s just been a very difficult time for me. I feel like I’ve in a dream, and, hopefully, will wake up soon. But I’m afraid not (guess I’m not in Kansas anymore). You see, Mom and Dad have moved me to Jacksonville! They have all these good reasons, but did they ask me? Did I get a vote? Of course, I’m outnumbered, but still……
So, goodbye to my two- and four-legged buddies. Farewell, invisible fence, and running with any and all who happen by my home. Now, it’s walking on a leash and not knowing anyone to schmooze with. Mom says our walks now are more “efficient”.
But the cars and, worse yet, the trucks!!!
I trained Mom to stop for vehicles, but now she won’t let me. She says, unlike in Marsh Creek, we’re on a sidewalk now and don’t have worry anymore. After almost 7 years, this is a hard habit to undo! I’ve met a pooch or two, but it’s just not the same.
At least there’s a Bark Park, where I can run and fetch balls.
And this is temporary! We’ll be moving again this summer! The folks tell me it’ll be better. We’ll have more room, and I’ll get to make real friends. Good luck with that. I so miss my fellow canines in the old ‘hood … I’d name you all, but don’t want to leave anyone out. Just know I carry you all in my big, sad, poodle heart!
One positive note: My good buddy, Journey, will be moving into MY old house! At least there will be a poodle in residence, even if a white one. His folks, Jo and Jim & Journey (the ‘three Js”, I like to call them) knew there was good energy in the home, and listened to Journey’s entreaties to move. That makes me feel a little bit better. Here’s Journey, making sure that everything has been loaded onto the moving truck.

So, good friends, this is Dear Daphne’s farewell. I hope to stay in touch with you all. Hopefully, Mom will take me with her some times when she visits her Marsh Creek friends. And perhaps I can write from time to time, and let you know how life goes for me in the big city. Please let me know if you’d like to hear from me. And remember, I’m always available to answer your questions!
Final words of wisdom from your faithful canine correspondent: “Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really.” (Agnes Sligh Turnbull)
Til we meet again, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often! (And make sure your parents and walkers pick up and PROPERLY dispose of your poop!) Dog love to you all!

We miss you already Daphne. Dazy misses your moms yummy treats!
Take care
Oh Rickie and Daphne, this makes me so sad! I’ve really enjoyed your lovely words and will miss your wonderful column. I wish all three of you huge happiness in your new digs!! Sending love, Judy
Great Job with this column. Kudos to you and your Mom! May you, Mom and Dad be blessed with new adventures and new friends! It’s been fun!
😢 till we meet again🥰
Dear Daphne, I’m so sad. Your column brought Marsh Creek neighbors (4 & 2 legged) together. I miss seeing you & your Mom walking by the house, stopping to talk to one & all. However, Jax is not that far away. Friendship transcend distance. See you soon dear friend!