Spoonbill Courier


By Rickie Rubenstein


Me again, eager to share more Poodle wisdom, though I suffer the occasional lapse, right?  Seems I neglected NATIONAL DOG DAY on August 26!  Thanks, Max (Irene and Frank Merenda), the adorable Jack Russell/Shitzu (and maybe more) mix for reminding me. And for asserting that EVERY day is dog day!


There’s more!  The entire month of August is National Dog Month!  Cats have their day on October 29.  February 20 is Love Your Pet Day, while February 23 is National Dog Biscuit Day.  There’s even a National Dogs in Politics Day on September 23 (really!).  There can’t be enough days to celebrate us!!

On a more serious note, yesterday was September 12, National Pet Memorial Day, per the AKC. And I’d like to acknowledge the incredible dogs who joined the search for survivors at the World Trade Center on 9/11  Our humans had their remembrances on the 20th anniversary of that fateful day, and now the hundreds of search-and-rescue dogs who hunted for life in the smoldering ruins are being memorialized in an exhibition at the American Kennel Club’s Museum of the Dog in New York City.  According to the museum’s executive director, “the … dogs didn’t rescue any people from the pile, but I think they somewhat rescued the people who were searching”.  The exhibition also recognizes dogs who worked at other disasters in the U.S. and around the world. 

How can I can I convince my parents to take me to NYC??  If any of your humans go, please ask them to share their experiences, so you can report back. 

Just Between Us……

I have to share a secret.  Mom and Dad went away recently.  When I saw the suitcases, I knew something was up, and I acted like I was a tad upset.  I think it helps them feel secure in my love for them.  Here’s the secret:  I knew I was going to Pet Camp!  Whoopee!!  I love that place!  The humans are wonderful and the dogs…..WOW!!  Play, play, play all day!    So many friends—old and new!  They do have rest periods, which are most welcome after running, jumping, and generally frolicking!  Mom always brings my food, bed, and some toys, and a towel she just used, so I can smell her should I get lonesome.  Of course, I got very excited (yes, there’s the jumping “issue”) when she picked me up.  After all, Mom and Dad are my favorite humans!

Let me know what you like to do when your folks go away and can’t take you with them.  I’ll share your adventures right here! 

Wisdom from “Crazy Uncle Brian”

Our esteemed publisher insisted I share this with you (what can I do, since he produces my column?): 

How to stay on top of housework when you have dogs?

 1—You can’t


2—Find a new dream

I say, forget the housework and play with us!  Get your priorities straight!  (Though I have to say, I’m personally quite tidy, since I don’t shed or drool, and Mom wipes my paws when I come in from outside.  No offense to those of you from other breeds; after all, I require regular grooming to keep my “poodleness” looking sharp.)

Letter from a Cousin Far Away


Dear Daphne, We’re “second cousins” on my mom’s side.  I hear you’re quite special.  My problem:  I’m exhausted, watching the house when my parents go to Costco.  It seems like they’re gone all day!  But they always come home with new dog treats, bedding, and other crazy stuff for us all. My favorite is the lunch leftovers—kosher hot dogs and pepperoni pizza!  I’m stuffed now; need a nap.

Love from your cuz in California,


Dear Cuz Winnie,

I’ve heard about you and wish we could meet.  Yes, I’m extremely special, but your mom tells me you’re an exceptional “MinChin”.  Guess exceptionalness runs in our family!  Yes, those Costco trips are exhausting, and it’s hard work keeping watch on the house.  A hint:  indulge in some naps, in between your security “duties”.  Then you can be rested for the gleeful homecoming (careful with the jumping)!  About the leftovers:  not too much, please.  You don’t want to spoil your girlish figure and they’re not the healthiest treats. 

Again with the Pet Gear!

What do you think about this t-shirt?  Mom told me this is why she and Dad just had to take puppy-me home with them!  Readers, please tell your folks to send me pictures of your cool stuff!

Til next time, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often!  (And make sure your parents and walkers pick up and PROPERLY dispose of your poop!)




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