WOOOOF!! WAG!! WAG!! WAG!! I’m now officially six years old!!
I had a wonderful birthday—lots of rubbies and treats!! Can you believe I share my July 13 birthday with Julius Caesar? (He’s a tad older, born in 100 BC …I wonder if he had a poodle?) My horoscope says I’m a Cancer: “tends to take life for granted, almost being lazy and too easy going…. typically does not do any form of exercise…always relaxed and at peace…”.
HUH?? You gotta be kidding me!!
Now, what’s next …?
OMG, YES! …… I think that I just may have hit the puppy lottery! Two Australian Labradoodles have joined the ‘hood!
Meet Bogey and Mochi—half-siblings, born a day apart, and “cousin” to my great friend, Paislee (Mirzai). (The sibs’ dad had a few very busy days nottoo long ago!) All three are from Hidden Lake Labradoodles in Lake City, FL, a wonderful breeder that got the “doodle” part just right!
By way of introduction, here is what they each of them wrote me:
Dear Daphne,

My paw-rents, Steve & Jeannette Lindenman, brought me home June 4th. I can’t wait to meet you as I’ve been told you’re very beautiful and friendly! Now that I’ve had all my shots, I can play with the big boys and girls, maybe even go to Yappy Hour—whatever that is!
Since I’m so little (tho growing daily), my manners are still a work in progress. Please forgive me if I get super excited and jump up to say hello. I’m working on potty training (very challenging for the paw-rents—what’s the big deal?) and other manners, like not chewing on those wiggly things at the end of arms and legs (fingers and toes?). The problem is that my teeth are really hurting and nibbling on most anything really helps them feel better! Even though I’m very young new arrival, I totally feel like I belong here. Mom says she thinks there are more dogs than humans in Marsh Creek…that this place is a heck of a dog park! Well, for fluff sake! Dogs are all that matters, right? In my next letter, we should discuss why I dig in my water bowl and make a huge mess in the kitchen. This really upsets Mom and Dad, but I can’t help myself. Again can’t wait to meet you!
Love, Bogey
Dear Daphne,

Did you know that “mochi” is a yummy Japanese desert! The Japanese honorific (I know, big word for a pup like me!) of my name is O Mochi-Chan. But you can call me Mochi.
I live with my big brother, Harley (an 11-year old Goldendoodle); my big sister, Maggie (a rising junior at Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore); and my mom and dad (Cindy and Tom Burkhard). They all love and spoil me! They tell me that I am the cutest puppy ever and also very smart! Sometimes, but not too often, I have little accidents in the house. But between me and you, that is really on the folks as it only happens when they are not paying attention to me, and I’m trying really hard to let them know that I have to go outside. My big brother, Harley, is so much fun to play with! He knows to play nicely with me, even when I’m annoyingly jumping and demanding he play. I love to “puppy zoom” around the house to see if he can catch me!
Sometimes he does, but sometimes I go under the couch or bed as he can’t fit under there. I also love love to grab an abandoned shoe and run with it—until someone notices. I am so lucky to have found such a wonderful family and a great place to live! I just love to hand out puppy kisses to dogs and humans, and make everyone smile and laugh. And, of course, I can’t wait to meet you! If you have any advice or suggestions for me, I’m all puppy ears. Love and lots of puppy kisses, Mochi
P.S. Dad insists I confess that, since I can’t read (yet), I dictated this letter. And I probably won’t remember what I said as I’m easily distracted, given my puppy brain. Silly Dad.

Dear Bogey and Mochi,
Wow! I’m barkless! This is SO exciting! Two new pals! I love all dogs, but when you add “doodle”, I’m just jumping for joy (oops, Mom thinks I have a jumping issue—we’ll talk). We’re all in for some wild play time! I’ll try to remember that you’re both still puppies. And, as humans like to say, “a good puppy is a tired puppy”.
Fellow readers:
Before closing, let’s have some fun! Send me a picture of your human wearing a pet dog or cat t-shirt! Here’s a great start, thanks to Donna & John Bell! [PHOTO T-SHIRT 7/11/21]

Til next time, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often! (And make sure your parents and walkers pick up and PROPERLY dispose of your poop!

Dear Daphne,
All of us at Pet Camp are happy to hear that you had a FUN birthday! Can’t believe you are already 6 years old! We love you and can’t wait to see you at “Camp”!
Silke and the Pet Camp Team
Daphne….Sammy and I are so happy that you had a fun birthday. We hope you liked your “squirrel” gift, Sammy wanted it to “stay” here so he could “test” it for you but I told him it was just for Daphne. (As you all know she IS my secret love even though I have some odd ways of demonstrating it)! See you soon… “on leash” for me! Welcome to the neighborhood to Bogey and Mochi…Love and Poodle kisses,
Happy Birthday Daphne; where is your birthday Tierra!?
Dear Daphne you are the best! Glad you had a happy birthday, you deserve it. Thank you for introducing us to Bogey and Mochi, they are adorable!
Well belated birthday wishes from your pal Mack! Glad you had a fun day!
Puppies!! I think I will admire them from afar! They sure are cute but you know how lively puppies can be. A big welcome to the friendliest neighborhood in the world! Wait until they see the deer and bunnies that live here too!