WOOF!! WAG!! (and another) WOOF!! WAG!!
Guess what!! St. Augustine has been declared one of the “10 Best Dog-Friendly US Vacation Destinations for 2021”!!
The list was just published on Chewy.com, a site many pet owners probably know quite well. What did they say about St. Augustine? And what the the other nine best cities? Click here to find out.
Anyway, the designation means plenty of four-legged visitors heading our way this summer as Covid recedes. So, let’s give a warm welcome to those furry friends who visit, and tell your owners to check that list out for hometown places we can all enjoy together.
Now, here’s a very important alert I got from a beautiful Shelty:
“Dear Daphne, perhaps we could get a warning out to our friends to be aware of snakes. With all the recent rain, they’re coming out of the marsh to dry out. Mom and I were out for a wee-wee walk and came upon this guy, pretty close to your house. I nearly stepped on him! Mom quickly pulled me back and took the picture. We showed it to the lawn guy who was working with the weed wacker, but it was gone when we went back. Your pal Mack Anzivino”

Dear Mack, thanks so much for your timely tip! Isn’t it wonderful how we all take care of each other!
Speaking of wonderful neighbors, my friend across-the-street, Teala Montoro, left a package of dog treats for me on our doorstep! How did she do that? And why? No reason, she said, just ‘cause. But I suspect it was her dad, Joe, who likes to play with me when when we all meet on our walks. How lovely! Thank you, Teala!

My good friend, Tango, shared his stay-cation journal while his folks were out of town. Tango had some trouble getting used to this human called a “pet sitter’, in this case, Michele Tate.
“Dear Daphne, today was weird. Mom and Dad were doing stuff around the house and putting things in bags. Naturally, I followed them around to help. Weirder still, Michele showed up! I gave her a tour while my parents told her things I don’t know about. Weirdest thing yet? They left and she stayed! Luckily, it was time for both of our afternoon naps, so we did that and then went to visit some pups. I played until I could play no more and napped again on the way home. Another weird thing: Michele stayed at my house for the night!

Next day: Shocking. Michele was still here when I woke up! She made me a delicious breakfast, despite the weird look on her face when she it came to giving me those yummy sardines. Our morning walk was fun, except she made me walk at her pace, which is entirely too slow. Then she left. But she came back, smelling like other dogs! The audacity of this lady! I forgave her because we went on a really long walk after that.

Dinner? Delicious, but late. Since I’m a nice boy, I forgave her. Then I laid in my crate while she laid on the couch, reading. She’s still here!! Stay tuned for my record of the next few days. Forever handsome, Tango”
Wow! What an adventure Tango! Michele seemed really nice when I met her, especially since she let you off leash so we could run inside my invisible fence. Please share more of your journal, you handsome devil!
Cute Puppy Alert!!!
Four-month old Lucy, an adorable black lab just moved in up the street, and we’re already buddies! Her mom, Logan McMahon, and Logan’s mom (Cheri), like to visit, and I’m so happy when they remove Lucy’s leash so we can tussle and play! Strange…..Lucy seems to get bigger every time I see her.

Now, a shout out to all new Marsh Creek puppies! Get your parents to send me your names and photos and tell me your stories and I will introduce you thru the Spoonbill Courier! Just make sure to send me a photo and brief write-up, and you’ll be in print for all to see. Famous! Well, not famous like me. But, uh, you’ll be known. Thanks to me.
Til next time, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often! (And make sure your parents and walkers pick up and PROPERLY dispose of your poop!)

Love your column Daphne! You are so “je me sais quoi”. So entertaining, pleaseease keep it up!
Oh GREAT! Another reason for more folks to visit here!!