Spoonbill Courier


By Rickie Rubenstein


Hi again, from your favorite four-legged advice columnist! 

What a blast at the recent Yappy Hour at the Club!  Fellow pups (sorry, cats) whose parents belong to Marsh Creek Country Club:  you must beg them to take you to the next one!  I got to meet some cool dudes and Chef Will made fresh treats for us…..yummy! 

Check out the candids my Mom took! 

Now, a letter from a Chicago pooch … (I accept letters from dogs and cats everywhere!) …

Dear Daphne,

My name is Lulu.  My parents, Joe McCarthy and Susan Graff, are friends of Louise and Brian Nelson and also Spoonbill readers, and that’s how I heard about you.  You are something else!

So, my problem: 


Because of Covid, my human parents tend to keep their distance from other dog owners at the park.  So, my chances of getting up close and furry to one of “the boys” has gotten really slim.  I’m frustrated!!!  My parents are so mean!  They say it’s for my own good, but it’s not.  It’s for them. And I pay the price!

Now, I’ve heard you’re the hottest gal-dog in Marsh Creek.  What do I do?  Tell me how I can crank up my sex appeal?  Maybe I can make one of those guys break a leash or something, and we can, maybe, “hook up”.  What to you think?

With great anticipation … Lulu 

Dear Lulu,

Great to hear from you!  The Windy City has warmed up, so your visits to the park should now be more frequent!  Even better, more folks are getting out with their pups! 

But we all still have to be careful; your folks will want to visit with people they know and with whom they feel safe. And then, they’ll want to ensure the dogs you want to greet are friendly are safe too. You need to trust the humans here, but you can trust your own instincts on when to stay away. 

Now, about your “sex appeal”:  That’s a given, since there’s poodle in you! 

Just release those poodle genes and strut your “poodle prance”!  Some more tips:  bathe regularly with delicious smelling shampoo, exercise briskly with head held high, trim your nails (no scratching of delicate places!), gnaw on dental chews for good breath, wag enthusiastically, and smile in a winsome manner!  But no breaking of leashes…too dangerous! 

As for “hooking up”… ??

Um, you’re on your own there (blush) … Daphne

Now, Guess what! 

I have my very own business card!  Thank you, “Crazy Uncle Brian” (my special name for the blog’s publisher)!  I’ll be passing them out everywhere…they’re sure to become a collector’s item! 

I hope to see lots of you at the Concert in the Park this Thursday, June 10!  As always, I welcome your letters!

I’d like to close with something I saw somewhere:  “Dogs never brag about love”.  We just spread it around! 

Til next time, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often!  (And make sure your parents and walkers pick up and PROPERLY dispose of your poop!)




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One thought on “DEAR DAPHNE #12

  1. Thank you Daphne. Lulu really appreciates the advise and will behave as directed!


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