By Rickie Rubenstein
Hello again! I have to tell you what a great time I had at the recent Concert in the Park! Kudos to humans Sharon and Mohammed Mirzai, for making the concerts happen!
It was such fun to return to the Community Park after being away too long! I got to sniff and romp with Paislee (Mirzai) and Otto (Pat and Lenny Klinck), and meet some new humans, including Jeannette and Steve Lindenman, who’ll soon have Bogey living with them! Can’t wait! Check back here soon for an intro and photo of the new pup!
Now, to a letter …
Dear Daphne,
As I dictate this note to you, I am on the top end of the east coast—Maine. I summer here. In the fall and winter, I live in Our Nation’s Capital. You sound very social. I am not social, except at treat and dinner time, when I genuinely love the “pa’rents”.
I am on a special diet: kangaroo! It helps me get rid of a dreadful skin allergy. Once I show that I’ve conquered the rash with the kangaroo diet, they’ll add foods one at a time to see what else I can tolerate.

Kangaroo is not cheap. Maybe this is why the ‘rents no longer buy me toys. Or maybe it’s because I never play with the toys they’ve bought me. I do have one special talent: I can tell time! I know exactly when it’s time for breakfast, afternoon treat, dinner, and nightnight treat. The ‘rents don’t seem to appreciate my cleverness, however.
Now, some canine advice: please do not drop in without calling ahead. Actually, just don’t visit because if I’m awake when you call, I’ll be asleep when you arrive. And if I’m asleep when you call, I’ll probably still be asleep. That is, unless your arrival time coincides with one of those special “times” of the day.

Best from a temporary resident of the Pine Tree State… Lorna Jewel
Dear Lorna Jewel,
Wow! What a pleasure to hear from you! Your ‘rents (Stephanie and Dave Karsten) and my mom, Rickie, go waaay back. Mom knew several of your predecessor basset hounds (Valentine, Mary, Rhoda), and told me that she loves keeping up with your mom. Your diet is, well, interesting … I hope it tastes good, and helps with the rash! Do you bark with an Australian accent?
Ok, I won’t visit, but you almost … almost … look awake in one photo you sent!)
Faithful readers,
I have a “bone” to pick with humans who spout: “Society is going to the dogs.” What’s that supposed to mean??
We pups (and cats, if you must) know we make life in Marsh Creek much BETTER! And as many of us as possible should show up and make our presence felt at the next Concert in the Park on June 10.
Ok, gotta run. Mom wants to go outside and play fetch.
Til next time, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often! (And make sure your parents and walkers pick up and PROPERLY dispose of your poop!)

Great read as usual Daphne. I look forward to your column! Good job!
Thank you, Daphne, for publishing my letter. I was very interested to learn that I can possibly get THEM to expand my dietary selections to include bison and pheasant. And thank you as well for not visiting. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Lorna Jewel Karsten
Another goodie, my friend!