By Rickie Rubenstein
Hi everyone! I have a new friend! And is she a sweetie!
She just moved to Marsh Creek, after rescuing Peggy Gachet and Tom Rau! What a smart dog; after all, everyone knows that life in Marsh Creek is … well, paradise! Roxie (that’s with an “ie”, not “y”) saw that our two neighbors were so sad after losing Chance that she just had to become their 6th rescue. Here’s her story, in her own words:

“I was found at SAFE, having been returned there after several years of living with my dad. But then I got a new mom and sibling dog and, after getting into a fight with the husky, I was sent back to SAFE. No tears, please, as just a week later, I realized I could rescue the Peggy and Tom. Smart move! I’m still a little shy when meeting other K9s, and am especially not interested if they bark a lot. That’s when I show some attitude and want to give it right back to them. Otherwise, slow introductions are going well. My new friends include Daisy, Dusty, and my boyfriend, Tango. And I really liked you when we met! Zack and Zoey are coming back for a second chance at friendship. My new folks say I’m doing really well, tho they put me on a diet. I’m excellent at sit-stay, and the typical treat-rewarding tricks: sit, paw, down. I’m slowly training the folks, tho I recently found out that counter surfing isn’t acceptable (the eggs just smelled so darn good). Oh, my prior name was Roksha, which I still hear when I’m in trouble. So I have a forever home at 5-1/5 to 6-1/2 years of age! Roxie.”
Dear Roxie (with an “ie”), What a great story! I’m so happy for you and your new family! I do have a small issue, though, as I now have competition for Tango’s affections! I know you two live close to each other and have more play time, so I guess Tango is smart to share the love!
“Dear Daphne, Recently, my mom (Carole Anzivino) was putting new plants in and around the house. She remembered that many plants are toxic to cats and dogs, and did some research on what not to get. Could you remind our furry friends to have their moms and dads check out plants that could be harmful to our 4-legged buddies? The ASPCA has a helpful list. Your pal, Mack.”
Dear Mack, What a wonderful reminder for our folks! Thanks so much for your timely tip! I checked and immediately told my mom to take a look! Gasp: oleander causes life-threatening heart rhythm disturbances!

I have a treat for you, my friendly readers….a homemade doggie treat!! My great friend, Paislee, loves them and is willing to share the recipe. So here it is, compliments of her mom, Sharon Mirzai:
“Take 2 hot dogs (the best is low-fat turkey hot dogs by Parkview, available at Aldi’s); quarter them lengthwise; and dice them about dime thin. Put them on a plate and microwave for 3-1/2 minutes; let cool. The tidbits become dry and are a perfect, inexpensive, low-cal training treat.”
Finally, Dad thought it would be fun to share this piece from Fortune Media. Here’s Part 1; more to come in future columns. Let me know if you like it. (It’s a bit over my head, but perhaps your humans will enjoy.)
“It’s Not Easy Being a Puppy in a Pandemic”—as dictated to Bernhard Warner by Scilla, a puppy: “It’s always markets, markets, markets in this place. I couldn’t care less about your human inflation, your price of lumber, your rising bond yields, or your volatile FAANG stocks. Ooh ……… a pair of Crocs! And they’re barely chewed!”
Ok. Time for a walk. Let me hear from you! Dog or cat, if you have something to say, let me know! Til next time, have great walks, enjoy new sniffs, and wag often! (And make sure your parents and walkers pick up and dispose of your poop properly!)

Love it!!
Great column Daphne! Thank you for introducing us to our newly adopted pets.
Walter and Roxie have met on 2 occasions and both time engaged in friendly canine activity. Roxie also is very friendly to humans and she loves a good neck rub