By Rickie Rubenstein
I’M BACK! Woo Hoo!!
And so excited to be writing my column again! I had to take some time off as Mom got a new knee. She’s only just begun to walk me—and only for short distances. I’ve missed everyone and hope to check out my old friends and make some new ones real soon!

I’m a lucky pup! While mom recuperated, a bunch of her friends took me for walks (thank you, all—smooch, smooch!), AND I made a new bestie! Since our first date in December, I’ve gotten pretty tight with a new guy on our street, Journey. A gorgeous, white Standard Poodle, he’s a mellow fellow, but can bark and run with the best of them! Journey tells me he’ll never leave the warmth of the south; evidently, the stork dropped him off in a snowbank somewhere in the hinterlands of Wisconsin. How dreadful! We poodles have good posture, but Journey, he’s so handsome in his very upright sit. And what a dresser! And we already share a tailor, our poodle neighbor, Carol Lorenc (of Standard and Mini fame). To top it off, I think he loves me! Now, I’ve had other suitors, but Journey is different; he doesn’t smother me. Perhaps because he’s 7 years old; has had an interesting life “journey” (hence his name) with his people, Jo and Jim Seifert; and he understands we New Age girls like our independence.
And another Standard Poodle has moved to Marsh Creek! Oodles of Poodles!!! I still mourn the loss of my Standard friend, Chanel (Meri-Kathryn and John Peed). Howwwwwever, some good news! Miss Bea, has joined

the Peed family after losing Chanel, and months later, our sweet “watch the world go by” Standard, Marcus. “Miss Bea is the lapdog I asked for. If I’m in the chair, Miss Bea is in my lap”, says MK. “And we were fortunate to get her.”
I’ve met the black-haired lovely Miss Bea—how strange to see a mirror of myself! A play date is in our future!
More good news! Tango is visiting me again! His mom Jan Vita takes his leash off so the two of us can run and play! He’s a bit bigger than I, but I can hold my own in the running and jumping department! The picture might be blurry ‘cause we’re so fast! What fun! I also get to play with both Tango and Journey at Pet Camp!

Before I go, I’d like to remember two buddies who’ve passed over the Rainbow Bridge.

Cooper (Saima and Bill Upham) was a fave of mine. His dad, Bill, wrote, “Although he was a handful, Coop was a joy to have around. In our 5 short years, he gave us many fun moments, as well as unconditional love. Cooper never met a food group he didn’t like, never turned down a snack or entree. This goofball had countless dog and people friends in Marsh Creek, and managed to both enjoy and entertain them on his daily walks. Although we will always miss him, we are grateful for having him in our lives.”

Foxy Faye (Shay, Peter, and daughter, Erika Fontana) was 16 before she entered doggie heaven—quite old for a Corgi. According to her people, Faye was a $700 rescue (long story!). She maintained good health because she wasn’t overfed and walked every day. She loved everyone she met. She marked her territory for 12 years. Faye’s least favorite holiday was Halloween, when she was dressed up to hand out candy to neighborhood kids. The day before she left us, she walked all the way from her Fiddler’s Point home to the park and back. Her family misses Faye terribly. Faye is in the middle of the photo, with her dearly departed Rory on the right, and still thriving Hope on the left.
Now that I’m back, write me with all your pet news and any questions about dog or cat life that need an answer!
Remember, four-leggers … to walk proud, sniff fully, and wag often!
I’m glad you’re better 👍🏻 Your notes are
Welcome back Daphne, we missed you! Happy to hear your Mom is on the mend and you’re walking the neighbor again.
And thank you for remembering our loving pets that passed over the rainbow.