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home Around Town & County, Marsh Creek Community Costco Delivers Groceries, Wine and Alcohol to Marsh Creek

Costco Delivers Groceries, Wine and Alcohol to Marsh Creek

Editors are sometime intrepid, and often they’re late in getting to the important news of the day. That said, you be the judge.

The editor has learned that our new Costco at World Golf Village is now offering same-day home delivery of a range of fresh food products, wine and alcohol here to Marsh Creek.

It was discovered and tested today when the editor created a shopping cart that met the $35 qualifying minimum for home delivery. That was shortly after 12:00pm. An available delivery window immediately opened up, as you see below, at 2:17pm, about two hours away.

Built into the price of some of the items the editor was familiar with appears to be a small delivery surcharge. And the shopper is also offered the chance to add a $2 tip to the delivery person.

This is big news, again maybe only to the editor, and offers more than a convenience but a lifeline to any homeowner aged or incapacitated still wanting to satisfy a Costco habit.

For example, Costco’s alcohol and wine selections are available for home delivery …

And Costco’s fresh and frozen foods, invaluable for anyone throwing a party or facing a visit from the kids.

Explore this line to Costco’s Gourmet foods, also available at the click of a mouse.

The editor holds no stock in Costco and offers the news (if it is news to anyone but himself) as a public service.

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