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Conversations with Clyde Brady

MCWA Art Show Creativity Community Series presents: “Conversations with Clyde Brady – Marsh Creek Country Club’s Emeritus Watercolor Artist” January 3, 2021 at 4:00 pm via Zoom

Clyde Brady moved to Marsh Creek in 2003 from Orlando area.  After a long-distinguished career as an architect, he took his first art class with Diane Bradley 15 years ago.   Amongst many other art shows, he was a regular participant in the Marsh Creek Women’s Association Annual Art Show for many years.  Now, a resident of Westminster St. Augustine, he will share his creative process of painting architecture, animals, and flowers from start to finish. Whether you aspire to paint, just like to look at paintings or are curious how it’s done you will be sure to enjoy this rare opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look from a gifted artist. 

This series is intended to inspire you to indulge in your creativity in preparation for our MCWA Annual Art Show scheduled April 7-8, 2021.

Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85263857346

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