Spoonbill Courier
home Arts, Marsh Creek Community Concert in the Park Friday @ 4pm

Concert in the Park Friday @ 4pm


By Mohammed Mirzai

The November band is brand new to Marsh Creek. Richard Greene, will be part of this group. I’m sure you remember Richard from his performances with previous bands, and from what I hear, he’s just as good in this one, the Pemberwicks

So, Join us this Friday, November 19th at 4 PM for a jolly good time.

Based on an informal survey, it seems like many of our neighbors/ friends will be either visiting friends and family or entertaining them here and generalizing enjoying the freedom that comes from being vaccinated and boosted!

Consequently, we’ve decided to skip the December concert and resume again in January 2022.

Have a good Thanksgiving, a great Holiday Season and a Happy New year.

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