Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community Calling for Xmas Cards and Cookie Recipes!!

Calling for Xmas Cards and Cookie Recipes!!

The Holiday Season is upon us. Hanukkah arrives in hours, followed by Christmas and a New Year right after.

Two things people like to do during the Holidays is to bake and send cards.

Many have migrated to electronic Holiday greetings. If you are one of those families, email us your Holiday Greeting Card (JPEG Please).

And if you have one, also send a Holiday baking recipe. If you don’t have an electronic card then a recipe will do.

The Spoonbill will compile them into two separate posts and share them with the neighborhood.

Let’s call this the “Marsh Creek Eat and Greet”.

Send your contributions to the editor at spoonbill@mindspring.com and then watch this space.

Let’s get this started:

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