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home Marsh Creek Community Call to Marsh Creek Women

Call to Marsh Creek Women

By Meri-Kathryn Peed and Louise Nelson

The COVID -19 pandemic caused most of us to experience a year of isolation, we have never experienced before. As we are emerging into a “new normal” let’s look at new ways to get together and grow new friendships.

We have a wonderful Country Club that provides many opportunities, but we could supplement those opportunities by having a neighborhood women’s club. This could include a welcome committee, games and sports, a lunch bunch, dinner groups, travel, and book clubs. Events would be held in neighbors’ homes, and local restaurants and parks.

We would like to get a sense of how many folks are interested in participating in any of the above.  Please contact either Louise or Meri-Kathryn. 

We will schedule a meeting in the near future  for those interested in being apart of the planning committee or want to head one of the committees. Look forward to hearing from you.

Meri-Kathryn Peed 704 277 6221  mkpeed@aol.com  

Louise Nelson 321 243 0254 lzn@mindspring.com 

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