Spoonbill Courier

Barbara White

Editor’s Note: A little more than 6 months ago, “Queen” Barbara left us once, departing Marsh Creek for the nearby Silver Creek Retirement Home. Many Marsh Creekers who were privileged to know her came out to wish Queen Barbara Bon Voyage. Now, sad news from her son that Barbara has left again, on her final trip. So many who grew to know and love this wonderful spirit will miss her.

Barbara’s Farewell from Marsh Creek, 8-30-2021

From: Wayne White <waynewhitepga@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2022, 5:56 PM
Subject: Barbara White

Afternoon to all the family and friends of Barb / Barbara / Grandmauzy / Aunt Barb.  I am sharing with you that Mom passed away at 1:15 AM yesterday morning at the Bailey Care Center (Hospice) at Flagler Hospital in St. Augustine, FL.  

Thursday afternoon Mom suffered a left brain main artery blood clot, stroke causing the loss of use of her entire right side body, loss of speech and mental failure.  After arriving at Flagler Hospital, she was immediately Life-Flighted to Baptist Hospital (downtown Jacksonville) for a procedure to remove the blood clot.  The neurosurgeon felt that procedure being done within three hours of the incident may produce positive results for recovery.  Unfortunately, it failed.

I was able to get her transferred back to the Bailey Center in St. Augustine where Cynthia and I shared Mom’s final hours before she finally became pain free.  Mom fought hard for over thirty hours and now she rests in peace.  God has another Angel in Heaven and he has blessed her soul.

I have lost my patriarch who I respect with all my heart and so grateful for all she sacrificed to provide for me.  You know she was a wonderful person, friend and always cared to help in any way she could.   

Rather than phone calls, I respectfully request any reply occur through email.  Thank you.



H Wayne White

405 Lookout Point Drive

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3 thoughts on “Barbara White

  1. May she rest in peace. And may her memory be a blessing.

  2. We will all miss Barbara’s smiling face and her four legged friends will miss her kindness and her treats. Rest in peace Barbara.
    Wayne, our thoughts and prayers are will you and your family.

  3. Miss Barbara was an inspiration to all who knew her. Another star twinkling in the sky. Rest in peace.

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