How to beat the cold water blues
By David Muir There’s nothing worse than getting ready to take a shower and having to wait what seems like an eternity for hot water to come out of the shower head…standing there in your…
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By David Muir There’s nothing worse than getting ready to take a shower and having to wait what seems like an eternity for hot water to come out of the shower head…standing there in your…
By David Muir Down the Electricity Rabbit Hole … My most recent internet investigation was prompted by a failing swimming pool pump. After 14 years of relentless service the 1-1/2 horsepower trooper no longer could…
By David Muir We don’t really need a hurricane to lose power. That can happen for plenty of reasons, and usually at the wrong time, right? The good news? There are several options that will…
Here’s how to make the switch of Internet providers simple and secure. By David Muir Now that the IQ Fiber network is available throughout Marsh Creek many (most?) of us will sign-up for “a smarter…
A recent posting in the Courier alerted us to Thefts and Attempted Break-ins in Marsh Creek. Scott Herrington, Chair of the Community Safety Committee reminded us: “Most of us keep a garage door opener [remote]…
Photo taken by David Muir through a window of a 737 as it descended into the Orlando Airport while outer cloud bands of Idalia swept inland. “The early bird caught the sunrise!” Marsh Creek’s David…
David Muir captured this terrific sunset last Friday, but because of technical glitches on this end, we couldn’t immediately publish it. Here it is, a little late, but it’s a knock-out!
By David Muir It’s a typical Summer in Florida – yup, it’s hot and humid outside. You’ve got your high-efficiency, whole-house air conditioner running. So, it seems comfortable inside. Your modern house is well-sealed against…