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Another Successful Evening Concert in Marsh Creek Park

A Sharon and Mohammed Mirzai Production

“What a fabulous night of music, fun and friendship! How about the band: Debbie Owen and Tony T? How about that weather, ha? Thanks for coming out; see you next month.”

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4 thoughts on “Another Successful Evening Concert in Marsh Creek Park

  1. when are the concerts. How often and what time are they? Need to post somewhere like front and back gate when next concert is. Thankyou
    Linda Zupko

    1. So here’s the skinny:
      We started the Concert in the park because of Covid. It’s intended to give us all an opportunity to enjoy some music and socially-distant-socializing! Since the response has been and continues to be so great, we’ve chosen to continue with it into winter.
      We’ve had 5 concerts so far.
      They are generally held every 2 to 6 weeks (depending on the weather and band availability)
      Performance start times change based on daylight availability.
      Concerts usually last about 2 hours
      We’ve had 3 different bands perform so far, a 4th will be performing on Oct 22nd
      We’ve set up a Facebook group (Marsh Creek Neighbors, I suggest you join if you’ve not done so already) to make sure everyone is in the loop
      The events are posted on Facebook, enews, Spoonbill, and word of mouth.
      We usually pass a hat around which is how the bands get paid.
      Other than the use of the Community Park, no other May Management, MCOA, MCCC resources or funds are used.
      We are in the process of designing and building signs for the back and front gates.
      You can communicate with us via any of the communication vehicles listed above; or our individual emails
      See you at the next concert (Dan Mantini performing) on Tuesday Oct 6th, 4:30-6:30 PM

  2. Another fun evening! Thank you Sharon and Muhammad for planning and taking pictures! Too bad more neighbors are not coming and enjoying this.

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