By Lori Wilcox
“Let’s eat out tonight!”, a most common proposal,
Was quickly becoming a given supposal.
We found an abundance of eateries in St. Johns County
One could go as far as to say quite the bounty!
As our new dining adventures were about to begin,
The unthinkable, disastrous Covid set in.
Banished to our kitchen as restaurants closed,
Out came the recipe box, a true treasure trove.
Being comfortable in the kitchen, we took it in stride,
After all, such a small sacrifice in our very blessed lives.
In the course of a year, we learned a few things,
About ourselves, about others, about what makes us sing.
We learned eating at home had benefits so fine,
Such as better nutrition, no waiting, cheap wine!
We found we really enjoy each other’s presence,
Something we knew but was reinforced, how pleasant!
While some folks require much social interaction,
We found that we only require a small fraction.
We missed travel and family visits like you all,
And found that we really dislike video calls!
We heard many others were in the same boat,
Some not as successful at keeping things afloat.
We learned what a lucky decision we had made,
Being in Florida this past year was a plan well laid.
I digress, back to the dining out thing.
As things return to a new normal, we look forward to restaurant hopping.
We recently ate out with friends, such a treat!
Going forward, that’s something we are sure to repeat.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this ode to our silver linings,
Yours may look different but I hope they are shining.
Your silver linings may have a very different hue,
Please keep in mind, an ode is simply … a point of view
Thank you for your “Ode” Lori! We are so fortunate to live in Marsh Creek. Do you think that perhaps because of Covid, we are appreciating small things in life and getting back in touch with our humanity? Carpe Diem!