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A Stall for the Gate Car Wash

By Val D’Andrea and Lisa McGlynn

Proposed Gate Car Wash at the Entrance to Fish Island Preserve

Have you been wondering what’s been happening with the car wash that Gate Petroleum wants to build at the entrance to Fish Island at the foot of the 312 Bridge?

There is some good news to report!  The City of St. Augustine has denied Gate’s current permit.  However, as good as that news is, the denial is for technical reasons because Gate has failed to meet the timeline to complete their permit application.  The other good news in this denial is that the City has committed that the permit will require a hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board because of the number of trees that had been proposed to be cut down.

Kudos and thanks to everyone who has kept the “heat” on. Thank you to all who signed petitions and helped to make this denial a reality

Congratulations to the City for their denial.  Let’s hope this project doesn’t re-surface in the future.

Gate can certainly submit a new permit and we must continue to be vigilant and keep alert for a new filing.  But for now, the baby eagles can fly freely, and all the other nature can breath a sigh of relief and so can we!

Val D’Andrea and Lisa McGlynn

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One thought on “A Stall for the Gate Car Wash

  1. Way to go, Val and Lisa! You’re making the difference!

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