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home Marsh Creek Community, Wildlife A close encounter with Marsh Creek deer

A close encounter with Marsh Creek deer

They say cats are curious, but what about deer?

Well, I came across a pair of them this morning. One, in the photo above and here, was comfortable watching me safely from his/her hidden redoubt in foliage.

However, the other family member, below, walked over to within several feet to size me up for a long time.

It was a good morning …

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8 thoughts on “A close encounter with Marsh Creek deer

    1. I spend summers in NC and the deer population is similar to MC. While walking Lilly we encountered a deer who [proceeded to walk up to with 3 feet of us. Amazingly, Lilly wad barking her head off or pulling at the leash to get to her. After staring each 0other down for a minute or two, the deer started stamping her feet. I decided it was time to say goodbye.

      Ann Reid

  1. In Pennsylvania on our little farm, we had 30-50 of them living in the woods. I killed one every year. We always had venison in the freezer. In PA, it’s important to thin the herd. Today, I could not kill one of these beautiful animals. We are careful driving in Marsh Creek because they can suddenly run across the road in front of you, especially at night.

  2. I had the same experience in NC. I was with my dog and a deer walked within 2 feet. We were face to face for about a minute. When the deer began to stamp it’s feet, I knew it was time to leave.

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