Spoonbill Courier
home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community, Wildlife A Wildlife Paddle on Lake Disston

A Wildlife Paddle on Lake Disston

Editor’s Note: Do not miss Stan Hills’s terrific photos below!

By Mike Sprinkle

We had 4 kayakers paddle the beautiful Lake Disston today, Max, Stan, Marty and Mike. Marty was the only one who had experienced Disston before.  Everyone assembled at the boat launch next to the (likely abandoned) Disston Lodge and began paddling around 9:30. As we began paddling a majestic bald eagle greeted us from a large pine tree.

Following Marty’s lead and Clyde’s map we paddled 2.3 miles across the lake. We saw many wood storks and greater egrets in the trees as we paddled in and out of the lily pads and cypress. Wind was slight and not a factor. We observed a flock of ibis fly in front of us on our way back to the launch.

The lake had a dense fog covering when the early arrivers got there but it cleared quickly and we enjoyed perfect skies and temperatures.

Of course we all ordered massive fish sandwiches from Bantam Chef in picturesque downtown Bunnell.

Our small group enjoyed a great morning together and look forward to the next time.

Photos by Stan Hill

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2 thoughts on “A Wildlife Paddle on Lake Disston

  1. Exquisite photographs Mike! You captured the moments. Please submit some photos to the Marsh Creek Art Event. Thank you for sharing the journey..

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