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home Kayak, Marsh Creek Community Kayaking to Mud Springs

Kayaking to Mud Springs

By Peter Clayton

The usual MCK good fortune with weather, etc. held in spades today as eight of us enjoyed a very special experience. This was our first outing on the St. Johns and first time in Welaka, our launch site.

The planned timing was spot on throughout the day, starting with our launch at 8:50 after the customary libations and photos. It was cloudy with almost no wind providing a flat surface on the river. Our first two miles were past numerous homes, cabins and docks, another first experience. Several of the homes were quite large and attractive and many docks housed pontoon boats and a couple of party boats that were the size of floating semis. Wildlife sightings were sparse although a mature and a young bald eagle were spotted and a kingfisher.

Eventually the shoreline gave way to a totally natural setting and soon we entered Mud Creek where we pulled up at a floating dock marking the spring’s entrance. As shown in Ellis’s photos and video, the spring was relatively small but its sandy bottom roiled with water being forced up from below – a fascinating sight – Chris Jennings and Stan Hill got in the water for a close up. The spring can also be accessed by a trail, part of the Welaka National Forest system, which is how Craig discovered it and came up with the idea of paddling to it.

The return trip started out quite differently – the wind had picked up and the St. Johns gave us a taste of choppy water requiring concentration and balance. Fortunately, about halfway back we turned a bend and returned to the calm surface and a following breeze that made the finish most pleasant. We pulled out at Noon and drove a block south to Shrimps-R-Us, a local standout where all left with full stomachs.

Thanks to Craig, Ellis and Stan for the photos and to all who participated in a memorable outing.

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