Spoonbill Courier
home Marsh Creek Community, Spoonbill Neighbors Delights from the Delzingaros

Delights from the Delzingaros

The Spoonbill Neighbors Dining In group met at the home of Frank and Donna Delzingaro.

Frank served up one of his famous Italian dishes of homemade tagliatelle pasta with bolognese sauce. He also made bruschetta for an appetizer.

Lisa and David Stern brought a delicious Italian chopped salad with a creamy balsamic dressing. Linda and Michael Porter brought a wonderful apple crumble and whip cream for the dessert with apples that they brought back from Maine.

Everyone is looking forward to the next dinner at the Stern’s house.

If you are interested in joining any of Spoonbill Neighbors’ groups, please contact Meri-Kathryn Peed (mkpeed@aol.com) or Lorri Maloney (lmaloney58@ gmail.com).  

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