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home Marsh Creek Community, Spoonbill Neighbors More “Share the Feast” Bags Have Arrived!

More “Share the Feast” Bags Have Arrived!

By Louise Nelson

We had a shortage, and now we don’t! New bags for the Homeless Coalition have arrived!

We also have “extra items” bags for those who want to give more, like soaps, household items, etc to the Homeless Coalition.

The bags are available now at Louise Nelson’s home (209 Fiddlers Point Drive). Ring the bell or lift the top of the wooden chest by the door and take one. Please return them filled by November 12th.

Thanks to all of our neighbors who have dropped by so far.

Spoonbill Neighbors Community Outreach is seeking help for the Homeless Coalition, (AKA, the Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County).

We are partnering with the Coalition again this year to “Share the Feast”, so others less fortunate can celebrate Thanksgiving.  

Please think about participating in this project and come pick up a red bag with a prepared shopping list that will include food items needed to feed one family on this important day. 

The bags are available now at Louise Nelson’s home (209 Fiddlers Point Drive). Ring the bell or lift the top of the wooden chest by the door and take one. Please return them filled by November 12th.

Thank you for your kindness!   Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

The Homeless Coalition provides innovative programs to assist homeless families with children, the working poor, on a path to self-sufficiency.  (https://homelesscoalitionstjohns.com)

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